Career guidance

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

In the field of Business and Management, alongside  prominent professions such as Business Administration, International Business, Marketing,... there is still a profession that holds a critical role in promoting integrated economic development, which is Logistics and Supply Chains Management. This is a trending field of study where the young ones have various opportunities to test their skills and chart their future career plans. So what is Logistics and Supply Chains Management? Let’s together discover all the information of this major to determine whether you are fit with this major.


What is Logistics and Supply Chain Management? What can one do after graduating with a degree in this major?

Logistics and Supply Chain Management is a major that provides a comprehensive overview of the business system to help business managers develop the most efficient production  strategies and distribute goods to the customers in the fastest way.

To excel in Supply Chain Management requires proficiency in foreign language, the ability to plan and delegate, problem analysis skills and manage the logistics and delivery systems,...

View more:

> What is Logistics and Supply Chain Management? What to study in this field?

> Job opportunities for studnets major in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

What are the subjects for the admission of Logistics and Supply Chain Management?

Contenders who have interests in this major have a variety of admission subjects combinations. You can view this article for reference:

> What are the subjects for the admission of Logistics ans Supply Chain Management?

Where to study Logistics and Supply Chain Management?

Contenders cam refer to information about some of the reputable universities offering this program:

> Where to study Logistics and Supply Chain Management?



At the University of Economics and Finance HCMC (UEF), you will receive specialized training in Logistics and Supply Chain Management to a high quality model, studying in the advanced bilingual program, enabling you to access professional knowledge and skills. Besides, you will be equipped with essential materials to effectively take on jobs related to Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

UEFers have a practical field trip and study at the enterprise


Acquired knowledge and skills:

  • Critical skills and knowledge for analysis, evaluation, management and designs Logistics and supply chains activities;
  • Knowledge related to supply chain activities: demand planning, inventory control, transportation, warehousing, product packaging,...
  • Equipped with essential professional skills such as calculating skills, market analysis and strategies planning skills, English and Information Technology skills,... together with soft skills such as communication, time management.
  • Effective solutions research and analysis in Logistics skills, design a comprehensive strategy to reduce operational costs in supply chain activities.


Why is UEF always chosen?

  • UEF is one of the universities with strengths in training in the fields of Business and Management.
  • Bilingual training program, standardized and constantly updated on the content and strategies of famous universities in the world.
  • Advanced English learning environment, frequent classes with foreign lecturers, study exchange with students form many countries worldwide.
  • Modern facilities located in the city centre, with 100% of the classrooms equipped with air conditioners, internet - wifi.
  • Humble class size with 40 students per class, which creates friendliness in study and teaching.
  • UEF focuses on the learner-centered rule.
  • Thoughtful system Academic Consultancy and Student Services help solving students concerns and training in the university environment.
  • Solid connection network with businesses, creating an environment that ensures internships and opportunities for students.
  • Equipping soft skills alongside professional knowledge for better activeness, confidence and integration in the working environment in the future.


Are you a fit?

  • Careful, Meticulous, Logical thinking, sharp.
  • Able to organize management, plan, and arrange work.
  • Enjoys teamwork, doesn’t mind pressure.
  • Have great interest in economic fluctuations, passionate in system management.
  • Enjoys foreign languages, business, import and export fields.


Career potentials

This is a currently trendy major with rapid development and frequently demanding high - quality human resources to solve issues of domestic and international goods transportation quickly and effectively.


Job opportunities

  • Experts in designing, creating and establishing procurement plans and strategies for raw materials,sourcing suppliers, management and control of procurement.
  • experts in designing, creating and analysing plans and strategies in production and operation, managing and controlling production and operation activities.
  • Experts in providing warehouse management and goods storage services: including activities related to container warehouse business and raw material processing warehouse, equipment; Receiving, storing, and managing information related to goods throughout the supply chain; Handling returned goods, inventory, expired goods, outdated goods, and redistributing those goods; Renting and leasing containers.
  • Experts in providing services in maritime, inland waterway, rail, air, road, and pipeline transportation: including passenger transport, cargo transport, transport sales and marketing services, reservations, in-flight and on-board meal services, container loading and unloading support services, bill of lading inspection, freight forwarding and inspection brokerage, receipt and acceptance of goods, and preparation of transport documents on behalf of the shipper.
  • Experts in providing postal services, wholesale trade services (agents distributing goods to supermarket chains), and retail trade services (branches within the networks of major supermarkets and convenience stores, including inventory management, collection, consolidation, sorting of goods, redistribution, and delivery).
  • Experts in providing optimization solutions for businesses in public services such as the supply and design of networks of electricity, water; cable television, internet and telephone.
  • Experts in designing distribution networks and routing paths for passengers transport and goods distribution services (including sales and returns).
  • C Experts in consulting solutions related to sustainable development and integration, alongside solutions for environmental problems.
  • Leading positions in Logistics and Supply Chain Management businesses such as Department Manager, Branch Director, Distribution Director,...


Admission requirements

This year, UEF giving admissions for this program to students through the following methods:



Admission methods


Subject combination for admissions

Admissions based on High school graduation exam results


- Graduated from High school in the 2025 High School Graduation

- Admission scores according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

High school transcript admission

(Admission requirements based on UEF)

Admissions based on the results of the competency assessment exam of the Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City or V-SAT.

- Graduated from High school or equivalent.

- Participate in the 2025 competency assessment exam organized by VNU-HCM or V-SAT and achieve a score that meets the admission criteria set by UEF

Math, Literature, English

Toán, Văn, Sử -> Math, Literature, History

Toán, Văn, Địa -> Math, Literature, Geography

Math, Literature, Economics and Law education



Attractive scholarships:

This year, UEF will giving out scholarships for admission candidates at UEF in these categories:


High school academic transcript score

High school graduation exam score

(Compilation of 3 subjects)

Competency assessment exam score

(On the score of 1200)

Conditions for maintenance each year

( Based on the total of 4.0) 



21 to under 25

21 to under 24

840 to under 960

●      Yearly average score from 3.2

●      Year-end training evaluation score from 6.5 above

Accept candidates receive IELTS from 5.5 to 6.0


21 to under 28.5

24 to under 27

960 to under 1080

●      Yearly average score from 3.4

●      Receive a scholarship of 25% for 3.2 to 3.4

●      Year-end training evaluation score from 6.5 above

Accept candidates receive IELTS from 5.5 to 6.0


28.5 to 30

27 to 30

1080 to 1200

●      Yearly average score from 3.6

●      Receive a scholarship of 50% for 3.4 to under 3.6

●      Receive a scholarship of 25% for 3.2 to under 3.4

●      Year-end training evaluation score from 6.5 above

Accept candidates receive IELTS from 8.0 above





For example: a candidate who wishes to apply for admission into Logistics and Supply Chain Management based on 12th grade academic transcript with the combination of (Math - Literature - Economics and law education). To receive a scholarship of 25%, the candidate is required to meet these conditions:

- Admission based on the 12th grade academic transcript based on the combination of there subjects:

(12th grade average Math score + 12th grade average Literature score + 12th grade Economics and Law Education score) ≥ 21.


Contact for field consultancy:

Center of Consultancy and Student Recruitment

University of Economics and Finance HCMC (UEF)

141 Dien Bien Phu street, ward 2, Binh Thanh district, HCMC

* Tel: (028) 7108 5555 - Hotline: 094 998 1717, 091 648 1080   * Website:

* Email: