Online Job Search Skills
With a vast number of job opportunities available, reduced intermediary costs, and minimized travel time, online job searching is increasingly recognized by recruitment experts as a more efficient alternative to traditional job-seeking methods.
Progressing beyond yourself each day
A philosopher once said, “If you boldly move forward, you will come to understand yourself and realize that success is undoubtedly yours.” Striving for success is synonymous with self-discovery.
How to enhance soft skills for career success
You may believe that an impressive array of degrees, extensive valuable experience, and high-level connections will set you apart. However, these factors alone may not be enough to guarantee career advancement. In addition to technical expertise,...
Creative thinking skills
Each individual is an original, not a mere replica. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate one’s own unique way of thinking. We invite you to watch a presentation by Mr. Nguyen Hoang Khac Hieu on Creative Thinking Skills.
ASEAN economic community integration: Essential skills for workers
At the end of 2015, Vietnam officially joined the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), opening up new opportunities for its workforce.