Each individual is an original, not a mere replica. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate one’s own unique way of thinking. We invite you to watch a presentation by Mr. Nguyen Hoang Khac Hieu on Creative Thinking Skills.
In the past, information was considered a source of power—those who possessed knowledge held a competitive advantage. However, in today’s digital era, where information is widely accessible and society operates on a "flat" structure, success belongs to those who can create distinctiveness. Moreover, individuals must not only keep pace with societal advancements but also take proactive steps to drive progress. In this context, young people must focus on innovation rather than mere replication, and strive to invent new products rather than simply utilize existing ones
The primary reason is habitual thinking patterns—the tendency to follow conventional approaches. For example, when delivering a presentation, we often default to the traditional opening: “Distinguished guests, today we will discuss topic ABC. Please give us your attention.” However, by thinking differently, we introduce creativity into our approach. Why not begin with a story, a proverb, a striking image, a physical object, or even a small interactive activity?
One essential condition for creativity is to eliminate the mindset that "there are no better ideas left." Never settle for outdated solutions, predictable ideas, or existing products. Instead, challenge yourself to seek out newer, more innovative, and unique alternatives. Constantly ask: How can this be made better? How can it be more original?
Modern research has identified over 400 methods to enhance creative thinking.
One example is the “Reversing the Problem” technique:
Computers must have keyboards—but what if they didn’t? This reversal led to the invention of tablets.
What if, instead of hanging banners, we laid them flat on the ground—at intersections, in school courtyards, or in company premises?
What if bicycles didn’t move? What if trees didn’t grow in soil? What if you could study without reading words?
Creativity thrives when we challenge assumptions. Instead of doubting yourself for thinking differently from others, ask: “Why should I think the same way as everyone else?”