UEF held MOU Signing with 15 Filipino Universities, expand international study opportunities
FEBRUARY 21, UEF held the MOU Signing Ceremony with fifteen universities from the Philippines, paving the way for international cooperation on various fields. Representatives from all parties will join hands in organizing high-quality programs for...
UEF collab with Talented Minds Agency to expand opportunities for U.S scholarships
JANUARY 9, UEF held a meeting with Talented Minds Agency (TMA) to discuss and explore cooperation opportunities in expanding international programs, bringing real-world benefits to UEFers during the journey of knowledge acquisition and global...
UEFers discover the unique Lunar New Year of the Land of Kimchi
DECEMBER 30, the Korean Language Department - Faculty of Languages and International Cultures successfully organized the themed workshop of “Stories of Korean Lunar New year”, as part of the series of “Cultural treasure” activities under the...
UEF inaugurated smart classroom and Chinese Cultural Space
In an era of continuously developing technology, integrating technology into education has become an essential trend, paving the way for various new and more comprehensive study opportunities for UEFers. This integration went beyond just enhancing...
UEFers discovers practical learning opportunities with the “Do-ing Education” model in South Korea
DECEMBER 28, UEF Center of Corporate Partnerships held the workshop “Do-ing Education and Student Mobility Opportunities” with the participation of The Board of Members of Tongmyong University - South Korea (TU). From the previous cooperation for...
UEFers expands their career pathway and inquire experiences from Chinese businesses
DECEMBER 30, amidst the context of global integration, equipping professional knowledge and language skills became the key to better meet career opportunities. In order to create an interconnecting environment and development orientation for...
UEFers approach Taiwanese scholarships program and experienced thrilling art of paper cutting
December 26, with the aim of creating more experiences activities, discovering the global culture for students of the Faculty of International Languages and Culture, the Faculty of Chinese Language in collaboration with the Faculty of...
UEF’s milestones in international cooperation and training in 2024
2024 marks UEF’s milestones in internationalize education strategy, which brought UEFers a diverse academic environment and opportunities for global experiences. This orientation is always closely followed and implemented, with constant...
UEF promotes international bond through cultural meet and greet with Japanese students
December 24, Faculty of Japanese Language together with Faculty of International Languages and Culture successfully held the “Meet and exchange with Aichi Nakamura High School - Japan”. This was not only an event where students form both countries...
UEFers strengthen bond with international friends through exchange activities with U.S students
DECEMBER 19 AND 20, the UEF International Institute held “Fusion Fest: Cultures Together” with a list of exchange activities with the international students group from the University of Arkansas - USA. Here, students from both parties got to...