Represented TU in the workshop included Dr. Ho Hwan Chun - Principal, Mrs. Kim Do Yoon - Head of Future Strategy Planning, Mr. Dennis Kim - Marketing Manager of International Affairs.
On behalf of UFE were Dr. Nhan Cam Tri - Vice President of UEF, Director of UEF Center of Corporate Partnership; Dr. Ly Thien Trang - Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditation; Ms. Nguyen Thai Ha - Deputy Director of UEF Center of Corporate Partnerships.
At the beginning, Dr. Nhan Cam Tri sent welcome to the Board of Members of TU and emphasized on the previous cooperative relationship between both parties, in the meantime share his wish to successfully deploy the international semester for UEFers in the new year.
At the workshop, Dr. Ho Hwan Chun shared the strengths of the “Do-ing Education” at TU. The approach and implementation of the education that focuses on practical elements has helped learners develop comprehensively. Especially, in the era where AI has great impact, the “Do-ing Education” model provided learners with essential skills to meet the need for quality human resources.
Opportunities for “Do-ing Student Mobility” learning in Korea were also introduced in detail to UEFErs by Mr. Dennis Kim . The students will study in Busan in three weeks, together with field trips, exploring the unique culture of South Korea.
After learning about the “Do-ing Education” and real-life learning experiences in South Korea, we truly believe UEFers have a better basis and be ready for international integration with the quality program from UEF’s partners.