UEF News

An American Intern’s Remarkable Journey at UEF: Unforgettable Experiences That Will Be Cherished

JULY 19, with the aim of providing UEF and its partners an opportunity to evaluate the internship process for international students over the past year, and to propose new solutions for enhancing the quality of future exchange activities, UEF International Institute collaborated with the Faculty of International Relations to organize a closing ceremony for the internship program of an American student at UEF."

The international student completed the 2 month-internship at UEF.

During the ceremony, Makayla Garrett, an intern from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC), delivered her internship report following her two-month of working at UEF’s Faculty of International Relations.

On behalf of the partner’s representative, there was Ms. Nguyen Vu Phuong An - Program Coordinator of ABROADER.

Participating in the evaluation and discussion of the ceremony were Dr. Do Huu Nguyen Loc - Vice President, Board of Presidents and Director, UEF International Institute; Dr. Tran Thanh Huyen - Dean, Faculty of International Relations; and Dr. Nguyen Hong Nhung - Deputy Director, UEF International Institute.

The first session featured Makayla Garrett’s presentation about her working process at the Faculty of International Relations. In her presentation, Makayla Garrett discussed the tasks she undertook, the achievements and challenges she encountered, and the valuable lessons she gained from her experience at UEF.

During her 8-week internship at UEF, the UTC student gained valuable hands-on experience in teaching assistance, and scientific research at the Faculty of International Relations. She also had the opportunity to participate in classroom lectures, contributing  320 hours in total, which included classroom time (35-40 hours per week), lesson preparation, and organizing extracurricular activities.

Makayla confidently reported on her work at the Faculty of International Relations.
According to Makayla, one of the things she deeply appreciated was the hospitality, openness, and sincerity of the instructors, lecturers, and fellow students at UEF. She believes that this crucial asset will be invaluable in developing her communication skills, which will be beneficial for her future career goals. Additionally, Makayla mentioned that, aside from working at UEF, she also took advantage of the opportunity to explore and learn more about Vietnam.

At the closing ceremony, Makayla expressed her deep gratitude to her supervisor, as well as all the lecturers and staff at UEF, for their constant support and guidance throughout her internship. She shared that the experience exceeded her expectations and that the skills and knowledge she gained from that period would serve as a stepping stone toward pursuing her dreams and achieving greater success in the future.

Dr. Tran Thanh Huyen evaluated the internship process of the US student.


Commenting on Makayla’s performance, Dr. Tran Thanh Huyen expressed her deep appreciation for Makayla’s enthusiasm and energy throughout her internship. Makayla consistently demonstrated a proactive approach by researching and gathering materials, and she wholeheartedly supported students and lecturers in their daily academic activities. Despite facing challenges, Dr. Tran Thanh Huyen hoped that Makayla gained valuable experiences from this internship.

The closing ceremony marked the end of a memorable internship for the American student. In the future, UEF aims to continue expanding and enhancing its exchange programs to provide students with even more valuable learning experiences. Through these initiatives, international visitors will experience the dynamism, friendliness, and hospitality of UEF. It is hoped that the experiences gained during this internship will become cherished memories for the UTC student.