The first ever “Young Psychological Expert” showcase gained the interest of many Universities and Middle-High schools all over HCMC, with the aim of helping students enhance their knowledge of psychology in learning activities and professional practice; while nurturing the essential skills of creating and planning media projects.
From the Forty themes of both boards, the Universities board included: UEF, University of Social Sciences and Humanities - HCMC National University, HCMC University of Technology - HCMC National University, FPT University, HCMC Open University, Vietnam Aviation Academy, HCMC University of Technology Education. The Middle-High Schools board included: HCMC High School for The Gifted, Vinschool Grand Park Inter-level High School, Experimental High School HCMC, University of Education, Royal School, Le Hong Phong High School for the Gifted, Viet Anh Primary-Middle-High School, Truong Chinh High School.
With the theme of psychology, all the teams have implemented various impressive topics, highlighting societal psychological issues of the youth such as focus on mental health, generational conflict, fear of difference, disconnection,... Additionally, many projects also showed creativity when implementing technological factors into psychological issues.
The voting will open till March 2 on the competition’s fanpage, with the top 8 themes will be advanced to the finals. At the final leg, the teams will have a presentation of their research results or a product from the theme. UEFers, make sure to check out and support all the teams!