UEF News

Plus 3 - 2024: Green transformation and sustainable economy classes captivate international students


As part of the Plus 3 - 2024 program at UEF, students from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) attended a lesson on “The Role of Green Transformation Transition and Sustainable Economy in Vietnam,” led by Dr. Hoang Giang - Vice President of the Vietnam Clean Energy Association (VCEA).

The class on green transformation and sustainable economy attracted great interest from US students

Accordingly, the lecturer provided new information on the Net Zero 2050 program. This environmental goal aims to reduce human-caused greenhouse gas emissions (such as CO2, CH4, N2O) to a level balanced with the Earth's ability to absorb or eliminate these emissions, ultimately reducing net emissions to zero.

In reality, many businesses in Vietnam have started to innovate and transform their operations and business models towards sustainability and environmental friendliness. This indicates that adaptability is a critical priority. Additionally, actions such as structural reforms to encourage farmers and businesses, as well as mobilizing carbon pricing finance, need to be implemented.

The qualified lecturer in researching is instilling the students with the green transformation and sustainable economy 

According to Dr. Hoang Giang, it is vital that the most vulnerable fields and areas in our country be focused on by utilizing adaptation measures, specifically in agriculture, transportation, commerce and industry, coastal regions, and the Mekong Delta.

Pitt students exchanged and discussed ideas with the lecturer

In addition, the students listened to analysis on the national green growth strategy, green agriculture, green energy, and referenced documents on Vietnam's climate and national development report by the World Bank in July 2022.

Pitt students participated in the Vietnamese language class with Assoc. Prof. Hoang Thi Hong Ha in the morning of the same day

The information accessed during the lesson served as a  foundation for international students to gain a deeper understanding of green energy during their business visit to PECC2 in the afternoon.