UEF News

UEF Expands Global Horizons with Japanese High School Collaboration


Organized by the Faculty of Languages and International Cultures in association with the Faculty of English, the Vietnamese-Japanese Language and Cultural Exchange program welcomed about 50 students from two high schools in Japan, creating favorable conditions for them to buddy up and learn from each other. Meanwhile, this opportunity also gave Japanese students a close-up look at the international-standard university environment in Vietnam.

UEFers and Japanese students gained interesting experiences during this cultural exchange program.


Accompanying the students from Hanazono High School were Ms. Shirahse Kozue - Lecturer; Mr. Kimura Koichi - Lecturer; and other faculty members. Representing Urawa Daiichi High School were Mr. Daisuke Itaya, along with other lecturers.

On behalf of UEF, present were Dr. Nhan Cam Tri - Vice President; Dr. Vo Van Thanh Than - Dean of the Faculty of Languages and International Cultures; Dr. Pham Huy Cuong - Dean of the Faculty of English; and lecturers from those faculties, along with students from the Faculty of Japanese Language.

Gifts exchanged by the representatives fostered a strong bond right from their initial meeting.


In the welcome speech to students from the two schools, Dr. Nhan Cam Tri and Dr. Vo Van Thanh Than expressed their gratitude to the representatives of Hanazono High School and Urawa Daiichi High School for choosing UEF as the destination for their students to experience cultural exchange and university life. Additionally, they proudly introduced the school’s distinctive international programs, which are implemented regularly every academic year, as well as the impressive number of more than 200 students who have participated and will participate in internships in Japan.

The UEF representative delivered a welcome speech to the Japanese student delegation.

Representatives from Hanazono High School and Urawa Daiichi High School also extended their sincere thanks to UEF for providing students with an opportunity to engage in cultural, academic, and experiential exchanges. UEF's excitement and attentiveness impressed and delighted the Japanese instructors and staff, creating a welcoming environment that resulted in a successful program with excellent outcomes for all students.

Japanese high schools representatives expressed their gratitude to UEF.


Besides the brief introductions about the students’ respective nations, cities, and schools, the special performances prepared by UEFers to welcome the international delegation enlivened the meeting atmosphere. The guests were divided into different groups, accompanied and guided by UEF students. The delegation had a chance to tour UEF’s facilities and experience the modern equipment, as well as the various functional classrooms. Thanks to the warm hospitality, the high school students from Japan quickly blended in and felt connected with UEF students.

UEFers and Japanese students took turns to introduce their nations and schools.

UEF extended a rousing welcome to the Japanese guest delegation.


To make the event even more interesting, UEF organized workshops on paper fan decorating, cherry blossom crafting, and other activities, allowing students to showcase their talents and have more opportunities to interact with each other. In particular, the groups also engaged students in various research activities to explore Vietnamese and Japanese cultural traits, before presenting and discussing their findings together. Through these experiences, students were able to cultivate a deeper understanding and broaden their knowledge about the two countries.

Students explored unique cultural features of the two countries.

"The Vietnamese-Japanese Language and Cultural Exchange program, which was a collaboration with Hanazono High School and Urawa Daiichi High School, lasted a whole day with many unique activities. Japanese students and UEFers became closer and created more wonderful memories together. Once again, this program has contributed to diversifying the university's international activities and expanding the language and cultural exchange environment for UEF students during the summer semester."