UEF News

UEF International Institute welcomes USA intern, fostering cultural exchange opportunities for UEFers


The welcome onboarding had the presence of Dr. Do Huu Nguyen Loc - Vice President and Director, UEF International Institute, Dr. Nguyen Hong Nhung - Deputy Director, UEF International Institute, and Mr. Hoang Tran Quang Duong - Head of the International Academic Services, along with other staff. 

The meeting with UEF International Institute directors helped Allison Liu get greater orientation for the upcoming internship


At the meeting, thanks to the sharing from lecturers and university staff, Allison Liu was able to explore a complete picture of the bilingual-international education model at UEF. On behalf of UEF, Dr. Do Huu Nguyen Loc gave a warm welcome and sincere encouragement to the student. He shared that UEF has recently been enthusiastically collaborating with prestigious universities around the world in order to create “cross-border” learning and opportunities for students from both institutions. He believed that Allison Liu would accumulate valuable experiences and unforgettable memories with UEF’s dynamic and enthusiastic lecturers and students during her internship.

With the desire to create an effective internship, UEF also actively disseminated necessary information that Allison needs to be aware of, including regulations, attire, workload, and timeline. Many plans and projects were discussed, promising an efficient working process between UEF and the USA intern.


Dr. Do Huu Nguyen Loc gave a warm welcome and sincere encouragement to the international intern


Allison Liu’s internship at the UEF International Institute will last for two months, from June 6th to August 2nd. She will be responsible for general tasks within the Institute's three main departments: Teaching Assistant in Global Politics courses, International Cooperation, and Partnership Development. Detailed work for each role will be assigned, aligned with a specific timeline in order to ensure convenient coordination between lecturers, staff, and the intern.

Through this opportunity, students can enrich their knowledge of language, culture, and history while further strengthening the cooperative relationship between the two countries. The fact that UEF is chosen by international interns reaffirms UEF’s international-standard learning environment, its guidance for students to become global citizens, and its supply of high-quality human resources to society.

UEF International Institute representatives disseminated regulations and specific tasks for the internship


The meeting and exchange session concluded successfully with many interesting plans and projects. It is hoped that with the friendly welcome from UEF, Allison Liu will be motivated to study and cultivate her skills, energetically embarking on her internship.