UEF News

UEF x WelTec & Whitireia: promote international exchange programs for students


MAY 4 - UEF International Institute had a meeting and working session with representatives of WelTec and Whitireia (New Zealand). Both sides discussed several potential international programs for this year. The meeting also aimed at signing a long-term cooperation agreement in the future.

Representing WelTec and Whitireia, there was Mr. Brian Cao - Regional Market Manager. On the UEF side, there was Dr. Do Huu Nguyen Loc - Vice President and Director of UEF International Institute; Dr. Nguyen Hong Nhung - Deputy Director, UEF International Institute, and Mr. Adam Briffett - Director of the Landed Education Services Agency.

Following a successful meeting, UEF and Weltec & Whitireia will soon implement new cooperative activities

To help partners gain a deeper insight into UEF, representatives of the university highlighted its outstanding features from its establishment to the present. By reviewing important milestones throughout its development, Mr. Brian Cao had a clearer understanding of UEF’s quality of training and its internationalization orientation in education. Consequently, they proposed cooperation plans that enable students from both sides to exchange and study effectively.

UEF and WelTec & Whitireia respectively shared an overview of their units

The UEF representative also introduced Mr. Brian Cao to numerous exciting student activities taking place annually, full-time programs, international collaborative programs, double-degree programs, double majors, etc. Accordingly, they emphasized the outstanding international activities that have been implemented, such as international internships, semesters abroad, international student exchanges, students participating in competitions in different countries, etc. Additionally, UEF also introduced its global partner network and expressed its willingness to serve as a bridge for institutions to meet and cooperate with each other.

Having learned more about UEF, Mr. Brian Cao also shared a lot of useful information about WelTec and Whitireia. These are two major vocational training institutes in New Zealand, located in the capital Wellington, offering a variety of majors and levels of study. Weltec and Whitireia have more than 10 training institutions throughout New Zealand and attract many international students from around the world. Their training programs include various majors corresponding to those at UEF, such as Business Administration, Marketing, Information Technology, Accounting, Restaurant - Hospitality Management, and Communications, etc.

Many cooperation plans were put forward by both sides during the meeting

Based on the information exchanged, representatives from both UEF and Weltec and Whitireia gained a better understanding of each other and proposed further cooperation projects in the future. As initially intended, the student exchange program remains a priority. Followingly, the two parties devised new cooperation plans to create more engaging initiatives for students of both universities to interact, either online or offline. Finally, through the signing of the MOU, the two sides will continue to maintain their cooperative partnership and progress together.

WelTec and Whitireia representatives visited UEF campus

After the meeting, Mr. Brian Cao also visited UEF's headquarters at 141 Dien Bien Phu to explore the facilities and equipment for the university’s academic programs. It is hoped that in the near future, UEF and WelTec & Whitireia will soon launch the first cooperation program, offering high-quality exchange and learning opportunities for students.