UEF News

UEFers grasp job opportunities in luxury travel market from businesses


FEBRUARY 20, USF Center of Corporate Partnerships organized the “Recruitment day: Onboard with Focus Travel in tourism sector” workshop with the cooperation from Focus Travel. At the program, UEFers were provided insights into the luxury travel market and exposed themselves to attractive career opportunities. 

The workshop provided students with real-world perspective of luxury travel market

On behalf of Focus Travel were Mr. Dang Hieu Trung - CEO, Mr. Le Minh Quang - Chief of Office - Development Director, Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao - Director of Ho Chi Minh City Branch, Mr. Tran Duy Lap - Product Specialist. The also attended as speakers, offred students dynamic information.

Represented UEF were Dr. Mach Tran Huy - Human Resources Director. Deputy Chief of UEF University Office; Mr. Tran Thanh Huy - Deputy Director of UEF Center of Corporate Partnerships. 

Organizers representatives sent letters of appreciation to businesses 

Representative of Focus Travel, Mr, Dang Hieu Trung gave an overview of Focus Travel alongside the segments the company currently focuses on. Subsequently, Mr. Trung emphasized the current situation of Vietnam tourism with outstanding developments, and paved the way for dynamic job opportunities for students post graduation. 

Various stories on the definition of “success” in this field were also shared by Mr. Le Minh Quang and Ms. Phuong Thao, which nurtured the required skills and professions for the student’s development in the future. 


Representative of Focus Travel and speakers provided many essential information on job opportunities at the company for UEFers  

These knowledge were concretize through scenario-based questions from Mr. Tran Duy Lap. Additionally, ways to handle customer complaints or incidents were discussed enthusiastically. 


Scenario-based question from the business as well as student’s concern were explained

Upon participating in the workshop, UEFers are also offered recruitment information for job positions at Focus Travel, given conditions for direct application and interview with the business. The extra information from the workshop has somehow helped tourism enthusiasts seized more opportunities for desired career development.