Mục tiêu phát triển bền vững (Tên tiếng Anh: Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs), là Mục tiêu toàn cầu được thiết kế nhằm kêu gọi tất cả các quốc gia trên thế giới tham gia tiến trình chấm dứt đói nghèo, bảo vệ môi trường – khí hậu Trái Đất và đảm bảo rằng tất cả mọi người ở khắp mọi nơi được hưởng hòa bình, thịnh vượng. Đây cũng chính là lời kêu gọi của Liên Hợp Quốc (LHQ) đến Việt Nam nói riêng và các quốc gia thành viên Liên hiệp quốc nói chung.

Mục tiêu phát triển bền vững bao gồm
17 mục tiêu được chia thành 4 khu vực quan trọng, nhằm giải quyết những thách thức to lớn mà con người đang phải đối mặt về ô nhiễm môi trường, đói nghèo, khủng hoảng tài chính – kinh tế, năng lượng, lương thực, hòa bình và hợp tác, hướng đến một tương lai tốt đẹp và bền vững hơn cho tất cả mọi người vào năm 2030.
Trường Đại học Kinh tế - Tài chính Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (UEF) cam kết mãnh mẽ trong việc góp phần giải quyết các mục tiêu phát triển bền vững (SDGs) thông qua các hoạt động nghiên cứu và đổi mới sáng tạo. Dưới đây là những nghiên cứu nổi bật do đội ngũ giảng viên và các nhà nghiên cứu xuất sắc của Trường UEF thực hiện ở nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau. Các nghiên cứu này không chỉ cung cấp cái nhìn tổng quan về những đóng góp của Trường UEF đối với các SDGs cụ thể, mà còn là minh chứng cho những nỗ lực không ngừng thể hiện cam kết của UEF đối với việc thúc đẩy phát triển bền vững.
Mục tiêu 1: Xóa nghèo – No Poverty
Socioeconomic determinants of income loss during COVID-19 in a mountainous area in Vietnam
Nguyen, T.,
Nguyen, Q.,
Le, M.,
Tran, V.
Development in Practice, 2024
Contribution of corporate social responsibility on SMEs' performance in an emerging market – the mediating roles of brand trust and brand loyalty
Thanh, T.L.,
Huan, N.,
Aureliano-Silva, L.
International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2023
What role financial inclusion, green trade and natural resources utilization play in ASEAN economic growth: Evidence from post COVID era
Kien, P.,
Ou, J.P.,
Sadiq, M., ...
Huy, P.Q.,
Tran, T.K.
Resources Policy, 2023
Digital transformation in financial services provision: a Nigerian perspective to the adoption of chatbot
Abdulquadri, A.,
Mogaji, E.,
Kieu, T.A.,
Nguyen, P.N.
Journal of Enterprising Communities, 2021
Mục tiêu 2. Không còn nạn đói – Zero Hunger
Corporate social responsibility, green innovation, environment strategy and corporate sustainable development
Le, T.,
Tran, P.Q.,
Lam, N.,
Tra, M.N.L.,
Uyen, P.H.P.
Operations Management Research, 2024
The effects of online restaurant menus on consumer purchase intention: evidence from an emerging economy
Le, T.,
Bui Thi Tuyet, N.,
Le Anh, T., ...
Trinh Thi Thai, N.,
Nguyen Lan, A.
British Food Journal, 2023
Building up more sustainable food supply chains: Implications for sustainable development
Le, T.,
Kieu, X.H.,
Behl, A.,
Pereira, V.E.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022
Adoption of contract farming for managing agricultural risks: a case study in rice production in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Pham, T.T.,
Dang, H.L.,
Ngoc, P.T.A.,
Dang, H.D.
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 2021
Mục tiêu 3. Sức khỏe và có cuộc sống tốt – Good Health And Well-Being
Sustainable economic performance and natural resource price volatility in the post-covid-pandemic: Evidence using GARCH models in Chinese context
Pham Thi, T.,
Do, H.,
Paramaiah, C.,…
Pham, V.K.,
Shamansurova, Z.
Resources Policy, 2023
What role financial inclusion, green trade and natural resources utilization play in ASEAN economic growth: Evidence from post COVID era
Kien, P.,
Ou, J.P.,
Sadiq, M., ...
Huy, P.Q.,
Tran, T.K.
Resources Policy, 2023
How do food supply chain performance measures contribute to sustainable corporate performance during disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic emergency?
Le, T.
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2023
Perceived risk and booking intention in the crisis of Covid-19: comparison of tourist hotels and love hotels
Pham Minh, Q.,
Ngoc Mai, N.
Tourism Recreation Research, 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic's effects on SMEs and travel agencies: The critical role of corporate social responsibility
Wang, Z.,
Le, T.
Economic Analysis and Policy, 2022
Correction to: Role of corporate governance in quick response to Covid-19 to improve SMEs’ performance: evidence from an emerging market (Operations Management Research, (2022), 15, 1-2, (528-550), 10.1007/s12063-021-00238-4)
Le, T.,
Behl, A.
Operations Management Research, 2022
Effects of quick response to COVID-19 with change in corporate governance principles on SMEs’ business continuity: evidence in Vietnam
Le, T.,
Nguyen, V.K.
Corporate Governance (Bingley), 2022
E-learning Outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic
My, S.T.,
Tien, H.,
My, H.T.,
Le Quoc, T.
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2022
Role of corporate governance in quick response to Covid-19 to improve SMEs’ performance: evidence from an emerging market
Le, T.,
Behl, A.
Operations Management Research, 2022
A Study on Vietnamese Consumer Behavior Toward Online Shopping During the Time of Covid-19
Duong, N.T.,
Dung, P.T.T.,
Kien, P.
Quality - Access to Success, 2022
Counterfactual analysis among Covid-19: fiscal and monetary policy for green economic recovery
Liu, Z.,
Lu, L.,
Tiep Le, T.,
Saydaliev, H.B.
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja , 2022
A study on the COVID-19 awareness affecting the consumer perceived benefits of online shopping in Vietnam
Pham, V.K.,
Do, T.T.H.,
Ha Le, T.H.
Cogent Business and Management, 2020
Artificial intelligence in healthcare: A new technology benefit for both patients and doctors
Le Nguyen, T.,
Do, T.T.H.
PICMET 2019 - Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology: Technology Management in the World of Intelligent Systems, Proceedings, 2019
Mục tiêu 4. Giáo dục có chất lượng – Quality Education
The application of Flipgrid in an EFL classroom: Insights from non-english majors
Pham, H.T.T.,
Duong, T.M.
Addressing Issues of Learner Diversity in English Language Education, 2024
Digital wellbeing – a review of the JISC guidance from the UK and Vietnam
Foster, S.,
Ly Thien, T.,
Foster, A.J.,
Ho, T.H.T.,
Knight, S.
Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 2024
Do corporate social responsibility drive sustainable purchase intention? An empirical study in emerging economy
Le, T.,
Le Thi Cam, T.,
Nguyen Thi, N.,
Le Ngoc Phuong, V.
Benchmarking, 2024
E-learning behavioral intention among college students: A comparative study
Pham Thi, T.,
Duong, N.T.
Education and Information Technologies, 2024
The Use of Edtech Apps in English Language Learning: EFL Learners’ Perspectives
Tran, T.Q.,
Duong, T.M.,
Nguyen, D.T.H.
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2023
Role of corporate social responsibility on firm performance in emerging economy: The mediating role of access to finance and business model innovation
Ngo, Q.H.,
Le, T.
Cogent Business and Management, 2023
Examining the role of significant others in Vietnamese high school EFL students’ motivational constructions
Pham, C.H.
Learning: Research and Practice, 2023
E-learning Outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic
My, S.T.,
Tien, H.,
My, H.T.,
Le Quoc, T.
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2022
Task-Based language teaching: a possible remedy for vietnamese efl students’ esp reading comprehension at a vocational college
Duong, T.M.,
Le Truong, M.
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 2022
Providing written corrective feedback in IELTS writing task 2: EFL teachers’ practices
Duong, T.M.,
Nguyen, T.N.
Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 2022
Implementing task-based language teaching in vietnamese secondary schools: What hinders EFL teachers
Duong, T.M.,
Nguyen, H.T.T.
TESL-EJ, 2021
Mục tiêu 5. Bình đẳng giới – Gender Equality
“Follow your research career or choose your family”: Female language teachers’ agency in their research engagement
Pham, C.H.,
Chau, N.N.T.,
Nguyen, K.H.N.
Cogent Education, 2023
Mục tiêu 7. Năng lượng sạch với giá thành hợp lý – Affordable and clean energy
The impact of green finance, eco-innovation, renewable energy and carbon taxes on CO2 emissions in BRICS countries: Evidence from CS ARDL estimation
Sadiq, M.,
Chau, K.Y.,
Ha, N.T.T., ...
Quang-Thanh, N.,
Huy, P.Q.
Geoscience Frontiers, 2024
Do green energy markets catch cold when conventional energy markets sneeze?
Rao, A.,
Lucey, B.M.,
Kumar, S.,
Lim, W.M.
Energy Economics, 2023
What role financial inclusion, green trade and natural resources utilization play in ASEAN economic growth: Evidence from post COVID era
Kien, P.,
Ou, J.P.,
Sadiq, M., ...
Huy, P.Q.,
Tran, T.K.
Resources Policy, 2023
How do climate risk and clean energy spillovers, and uncertainty affect U.S. stock markets?
Khalfaoui, R.,
Mefteh-Wali, S.,
Viviani, J.L., ...
Abedin, M.Z.,
Lucey, B.M.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022
Reliability evaluation of an aggregate power conversion unit in the off-grid PV-battery-based DC microgrid from local energy communities under dynamic and transient operation
Kuo, T.C.R.,
Pham, T.T.,
Bui, D.M., ...
Van, T.L.,
Huang, P.B.
Energy Reports, 2022
Role of corporate social responsibility in sustainable energy development in emerging economy
Tiep, L.T.,
Huan, N.,
Hong, T.T.T.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2021
Energy efficiency: Determinants and roles on sustainable development in emerging country
Tiep, L.T.,
Huan, N.,
Hong, T.T.T.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2021
Mục tiêu 8. Công việc tốt và tăng trưởng kinh tế – Decent work and economic growth
The impact of green finance, eco-innovation, renewable energy and carbon taxes on CO2 emissions in BRICS countries: Evidence from CS ARDL estimation
Sadiq, M.,
Chau, K.Y.,
Ha, N.T.T., ...
Quang-Thanh, N.,
Huy, P.Q.
Geoscience Frontiers, 2024
Corporate social responsibility, green innovation, environment strategy and corporate sustainable development
Le, T.,
Tran, P.Q.,
Lam, N.,
Tra, M.N.L.,
Uyen, P.H.P.
Operations Management Research, 2024
Boosting green innovation on corporate performance: Managerial environmental concern's moderating role
Le, T.T.,
Govindan, K.
Business Strategy and the Environment, 2024
Digital platforms and SMEs’ performance: the moderating effect of intellectual capital and environmental dynamism
Le, T.T.,
Quan Chau, T.L.,
Phan Vo Nhu, Q.,
Ferreira, J.J.
Management Decision, 2024
Environmental outlook of ASEAN-5 through the lens of green bonds, environmental technologies and financialization
Tran, N.T.,
Nguyen, H.T.,
Tran, T.K., ...
Nguyen, T.A.N.,
Tran Thai Ha, N.
International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 2024
Factors Influencing Human Resource Outsourcing Evidence In Vietnam
Pham, Q.T.,
Kieu, X.H.,
Pham, V.K.
Quality - Access to Success, 2024
Corporate social responsibility and SMEs' performance: mediating role of corporate image, corporate reputation and customer loyalty
Le, T.
International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2023
A Cross-Cultural Study on the Role of Message Framing in the Promotion of Fair-Trade Buying Behavior
Phan, T.A.,
Nguyen, P.N.Q.,
Pham, N.A.,
Phan, N.
SAGE Open, 2023
Sustainable economic performance and natural resource price volatility in the post-covid-pandemic: Evidence using GARCH models in Chinese context
Pham Thi, T.,
Do, H.,
Paramaiah, C., ...
Pham, V.K.,
Shamansurova, Z.
Resources Policy, 2023
The association of corporate social responsibility and sustainable consumption and production patterns: The mediating role of green supply chain management
Le, T.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023
Contribution of corporate social responsibility on SMEs' performance in an emerging market – the mediating roles of brand trust and brand loyalty
Thanh, T.L.,
Huan, N.,
Aureliano-Silva, L.
International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2023
Nexus between natural resource depletion and rent and COP26 commitments: Empirical evidence from Vietnam
Tran, T.K.,
Lin, C.Y.,
Tu, Y., ...
Pham Thi, T.,
Khamdamov, S.J.
Resources Policy, 2023
What role financial inclusion, green trade and natural resources utilization play in ASEAN economic growth: Evidence from post COVID era
Kien, P.,
Ou, J.P.,
Sadiq, M., ...
Huy, P.Q.,
Tran, T.K.
Resources Policy, 2023
Social Justice Ensures Sustainable Development in Vietnam
Hoan, T.Q.,
Tri, N.M.
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2023
Natural resources and financial development: Role of corporate social responsibility on green economic growth in Vietnam
Cai, L.,
Le, T.
Resources Policy, 2023
Linking innovation and firm performance in an emerging market: does supply chain play a mediation role?
Nguyen van, I.,
Kotásková, A.,
Ferraris, A.,
Le, T.
European Journal of Innovation Management, 2023
Role of corporate social responsibility on firm performance in emerging economy: The mediating role of access to finance and business model innovation
Ngo, Q.H.,
Le, T.
Cogent Business and Management, 2023
Building up more sustainable food supply chains: Implications for sustainable development
Le, T.,
Kieu, X.H.,
Behl, A.,
Pereira, V.E.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022
Role of green innovation and supply chain management in driving sustainable corporate performance
Le, T.,
Vo, X.V.,
Venkatesh, V.G.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022
20. How does ai recruitment influence satisfaction among student job-seekers? the role of self-efficacy as a moderator and mediator
Duong, N.T.,
Pham Thi, T.
Obrazovanie i Nauka, 2022
Impact analysis of peer-to-peer Fintech in Vietnam’s banking industry
Diep, N.T.N.,
Canh, T.Q.
Journal of International Studies, 2022
The implications of artificial intelligence on the digital marketing of financial services to vulnerable customers
Mogaji, e.,
soetan, t.o.,
kieu, t.a.
australasian marketing journal, 2021
Welcome to work in Taiwan! Investigation of international students' employment opportunities
Duong, N.T.,
Pham Thi, T.,
Trung, N.Q.,
Pham, V.K.
Obrazovanie i Nauka, 2021
Digital transformation in financial services provision: a Nigerian perspective to the adoption of chatbot
Abdulquadri, A.,
Mogaji, E.,
Kieu, T.A.,
Nguyen, P.N.
Journal of Enterprising Communities, 2021
Developing traditional handcraft villages: The determinants of lending decision from Binh Duong Province's banks in Vietnam
Le, M.T.,
Le, D.N.T.
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2020
Ownership feature and firm performance via corporate innovation performance: Does it really matter for Vietnamese SMEs?
Nguyen, V.D.,
Nguyen, H.T.T.,
Nguyen, S.K.
Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, 2018
Strike Settlement in Transitional Vietnam and the Persistence of Socialist and Marxist-Leninist Influences
Ha, D.
Socialist Law in Socialist East Asia, 2018
Mục tiêu 9. Công nghiệp, sáng tạo và phát triển hạ tầng – Industry, innovation and infrastructure
The impact of green finance, eco-innovation, renewable energy and carbon taxes on CO2 emissions in BRICS countries: Evidence from CS ARDL estimation
Sadiq, M.,
Chau, K.Y.,
Ha, N.T.T., ...
Quang-Thanh, N.,
Huy, P.Q.
Geoscience Frontiers, 2024
The Role of Environmental Management Accounting in Mediating Green Innovation to Firm Value: Moderated by Quality Management
Hidayat, I.,
Abbas, D.S.,
Lam, N.T.,
Sari, P.A.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2024
Digital wellbeing – a review of the JISC guidance from the UK and Vietnam
Foster, S.,
Ly Thien, T.,
Foster, A.J.,
Ho, T.H.T.,
Knight, S.
Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 2024
Digitalisation driving sustainable corporate performance: The mediation of green innovation and green supply chain management
Le, T.,
Phan Vo Nhu, Q.,
Bui Ngoc Bao, T.,
Vu Nguyen Thao, L.,
Pereira, V.E.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024
Corporate social responsibility, green innovation, environment strategy and corporate sustainable development
Le, T.,
Tran, P.Q.,
Lam, N.,
Tra, M.N.L.,
Uyen, P.H.P.
Operations Management Research, 2024
Nguyen, C.M.,
Pham, V.K.
International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, 2024
Do corporate social responsibility drive sustainable purchase intention? An empirical study in emerging economy
Le, T.,
Le Thi Cam, T.,
Nguyen Thi, N.,
Le Ngoc Phuong, V.
Benchmarking, 2024
Technology Forcing for Planetary Survival
Phillips, F.Y.,
Pham Thi, T.
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024
Linking Artificial Intelligence and Supply Chain Resilience: Roles of Dynamic Capabilities Mediator and Open Innovation Moderator
Le, T.T.,
Behl, A.
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024
The Role of Entrepreneurship in Successfully Achieving Circular Supply Chain Management
Le, T.,
Behl, A.,
Graham, G.
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 2023
The contribution of circular economy practices on the resilience of production systems: Eco-innovation and cleaner production's mediation role for sustainable development
Le, T.,
Ferraris, A.,
Dhar, B.K.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023
The association of corporate social responsibility and sustainable consumption and production patterns: The mediating role of green supply chain management
Le, T.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023
How do food supply chain performance measures contribute to sustainable corporate performance during disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic emergency?
Le, T.
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2023
Linking big data, sustainable supply chain management and corporate performance: the moderating role of circular economy thinking
Le, T.
International Journal of Logistics Management, 2023
U.S.-China trade war and competitive advantage of Vietnam
Dhar, B.K.,
Tiep Le, T.,
Coffelt, T.A.,
Shaturaev, J.
Thunderbird International Business Review, 2023
How to drive business model innovation for food and beverage enterprises after the pandemic: evidence from an emerging economy
Le, T.,
Ngo, C.C.,
Pham Hai Nguyen, H.
European Journal of Innovation Management, 2023
Service innovation in service industry: a perspective from HRM practices in Vietnam
Nguyen, V.D.,
Bui, H.D.,
Duong, N.T.
International Journal of Work Innovation, 2023
Role of corporate social responsibility on firm performance in emerging economy: The mediating role of access to finance and business model innovation
Ngo, Q.H.,
Le, T.
Cogent Business and Management, 2023
Building up more sustainable food supply chains: Implications for sustainable development
Le, T.,
Kieu, X.H.,
Behl, A.,
Pereira, V.E.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022
How do climate risk and clean energy spillovers, and uncertainty affect U.S. stock markets?
Khalfaoui, R.,
Mefteh-Wali, S.,
Viviani, J.L., ...
Abedin, M.Z.,
Lucey, B.M.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022
Role of green innovation and supply chain management in driving sustainable corporate performance
Le, T.,
Vo, X.V.,
Venkatesh, V.G.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022
How humane entrepreneurship fosters sustainable supply chain management for a circular economy moving towards sustainable corporate performance
Le, T.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022
How green investment drives sustainable business performance for food manufacturing small- and medium-sized enterprises? Evidence from an emerging economy
Le, T.,
Ferasso, M.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2022
How Is Individual-Organization Fit Important to Knowledge Sharing and Innovation? An Empirical Study on High-Tech Industry in Vietnam
Dung, P.T.T.,
Giang, L.T.,
Duong, N.T.,
Kien, P.
Quality - Access to Success, 2022
Impact analysis of peer-to-peer Fintech in Vietnam’s banking industry
Diep, N.T.N.,
Canh, T.Q.
Journal of International Studies, 2022
Establishing linkages between circular economy practices and sustainable performance: the moderating role of circular economy entrepreneurship
Le, T.,
Behl, A.,
Pereira, V.E.
Management Decision, 2022
Innovation Onset: A Moderated Mediation Model of High-Involvement Work Practices and Employees' Innovative Work Behavior
Li, M.,
Khan, H.S.u.d.,
Chughtai, M.S.,
Le, T.T.
Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 2022
Determinants for competitiveness in the context of international integration pressure: Case of small and medium enterprises in emerging economy–Vietnam
Thanh, T.L.,
Huan, N.,
Hong, T.T.T.
Cogent Business and Management, 2021
Developing traditional handcraft villages: The determinants of lending decision from Binh Duong Province's banks in Vietnam
Le, M.T.,
Le, D.N.T.
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2020
Ownership feature and firm performance via corporate innovation performance: Does it really matter for Vietnamese SMEs?
Nguyen, V.D.,
Nguyen, H.T.T.,
Nguyen, S.K.
Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, 2018
Mục tiêu 10. Giảm bất bình đẳng – Reduced inequalities
Socioeconomic determinants of income loss during COVID-19 in a mountainous area in Vietnam
Nguyen, T.,
Nguyen, Q.,
Le, M.,
Tran, V.
Development in Practice, 2024
Market Share Forecast of Vietnam and of the World’s Leading Textile and Garment Exporters by VAR Bayesian Model
Diep, N.T.N.,
Canh, T.Q.,
Nguyen, T.N.
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2024
Bank capital and bank profitability of vietnam commercial banks
Quoc, A.N.,
My, S.T.
International Journal of Business and Society, 2023
Social Justice Ensures Sustainable Development in Vietnam
Hoan, T.Q.,
Tri, N.M.
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2023
Market efficiency of Asian stock markets during the financial crisis and non-financial crisis periods
Chang, H.,
Chiang, Y.,
Ke, M.,
Wang, M.,
Nguyen, T.T.
International Review of Economics and Finance, 2023
Can direct government intervention save the stock market?
Nguyen, T.T.,
Wu, Y.,
Ke, M.,
Liao, T.
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2022
Credit risk and bank stability of vietnam commercial bank: a bk approach
My, S.T.
International Journal of Analysis and Applications, 2020
An alternate internal credit rating system for construction and timber industries using artificial neural network: Case study of bank for development and investment
Hai, P.,
Ngoc, T.T.L.,
do Thanh Phuong, B.
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2018
Mục tiêu 11. Các thành phố và cộng đồng bền vững – Sustainable cities and communities
Design and implementation of 150 w ac/dc led driver with unity power factor, low thd, and dimming capability
Tung, N.,
Nguyen, T.D.,
Huy, N.M., ...
Ngo, C.C.,
Phuong, L.M.
Electronics (Switzerland), 2020
Mục tiêu 12. Tiêu thụ và sản xuất có trách nhiệm – Responsible consumption and production
Prestige over profit, corporate social responsibility boosts corporate sustainable performance: mediation roles of brand image and brand loyalty
Le, T.,
Le, M.H.,
Nguyen Thi Tuong, V., ...
Nguyen Le Phuong, V.,
Mavuri, S.
Journal of Global Responsibility, 2024
Digitalisation driving sustainable corporate performance: The mediation of green innovation and green supply chain management
Le, T.,
Phan Vo Nhu, Q.,
Bui Ngoc Bao, T.,
Vu Nguyen Thao, L.,
Pereira, V.E.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024
Corporate social responsibility, green innovation, environment strategy and corporate sustainable development
Le, T.,
Tran, P.Q.,
Lam, N.,
Tra, M.N.L.,
Uyen, P.H.P.
Operations Management Research, 2024
Do corporate social responsibility drive sustainable purchase intention? An empirical study in emerging economy
Le, T.,
Le Thi Cam, T.,
Nguyen Thi, N.,
Le Ngoc Phuong, V.
Benchmarking, 2024
The Role of Entrepreneurship in Successfully Achieving Circular Supply Chain Management
Le, T.,
Behl, A.,
Graham, G.
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 2023
Corporate social responsibility and SMEs' performance: mediating role of corporate image, corporate reputation and customer loyalty
Le, T.
International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2023
The contribution of circular economy practices on the resilience of production systems: Eco-innovation and cleaner production's mediation role for sustainable development
Le, T.,
Ferraris, A.,
Dhar, B.K.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023
A Cross-Cultural Study on the Role of Message Framing in the Promotion of Fair-Trade Buying Behavior
Phan, T.A.,
Nguyen, P.N.Q.,
Pham, N.A.,
Phan, N.
SAGE Open, 2023
The association of corporate social responsibility and sustainable consumption and production patterns: The mediating role of green supply chain managemen
Le, T.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023
Contribution of corporate social responsibility on SMEs' performance in an emerging market – the mediating roles of brand trust and brand loyalty
Thanh, T.L.,
Huan, N.,
Aureliano-Silva, L.
International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2023
How do food supply chain performance measures contribute to sustainable corporate performance during disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic emergency?
Le, T.
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2023
Linking big data, sustainable supply chain management and corporate performance: the moderating role of circular economy thinking
Le, T.
International Journal of Logistics Management, 2023
Natural resources and financial development: Role of corporate social responsibility on green economic growth in Vietnam
Cai, L.,
Le, T.
Resources Policy, 2023
How to drive business model innovation for food and beverage enterprises after the pandemic: evidence from an emerging economy
Le, T.,
Ngo, C.C.,
Pham Hai Nguyen, H.
European Journal of Innovation Management, 2023
Role of corporate social responsibility on firm performance in emerging economy: The mediating role of access to finance and business model innovation
Ngo, Q.H.,
Le, T.
Cogent Business and Management, 2023
Building up more sustainable food supply chains: Implications for sustainable development
Le, T.,
Kieu, X.H.,
Behl, A.,
Pereira, V.E.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic's effects on SMEs and travel agencies: The critical role of corporate social responsibility
Wang, Z.,
Le, T.
Economic Analysis and Policy, 2022
Role of green innovation and supply chain management in driving sustainable corporate performance
Le, T.,
Vo, X.V.,
Venkatesh, V.G.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022
How humane entrepreneurship fosters sustainable supply chain management for a circular economy moving towards sustainable corporate performance
Le, T.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022
How do corporate social responsibility and green innovation transform corporate green strategy into sustainable firm performance?
Le, T.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022
How green investment drives sustainable business performance for food manufacturing small- and medium-sized enterprises? Evidence from an emerging economy
Le, T.,
Ferasso, M.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2022
Establishing linkages between circular economy practices and sustainable performance: the moderating role of circular economy entrepreneurship
Le, T.,
Behl, A.,
Pereira, V.E.
Management Decision, 2022
The impact of corporate governance on firms’ value in an emerging country: The mediating role of corporate social responsibility and organisational identification
Tiep Le, T.,
Nguyen, V.K.
Cogent Business and Management, 2022
The contribution of corporate social responsibility on SMEs performance in emerging country
Thanh, T.L.,
Huan, N.,
Thuy Hong, T.T.,
Tran, D.K.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021
Role of perceived corporate social responsibility in the nexus of perceived cause-related marketing and repurchase intention in emerging markets
Le, T.,
Tiwari, A.K.,
Behl, A.,
Pereira, V.E.
Management Decision, 2021
Effects of corporate social responsibility on SMEs’ performance in emerging market
Tiep, L.T.,
Huan, N.,
Hong, T.T.T.
Cogent Business and Management, 2021
Role of corporate social responsibility in sustainable energy development in emerging economy
Tiep, L.T.,
Huan, N.,
Hong, T.T.T.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2021
Mục tiêu 13. Hành động về khí hậu – Climate action
The impact of green finance, eco-innovation, renewable energy and carbon taxes on CO2 emissions in BRICS countries: Evidence from CS ARDL estimation
Sadiq, M.,
Chau, K.Y.,
Ha, N.T.T., ...
Quang-Thanh, N.,
Huy, P.Q.
Geoscience Frontiers, 2024
Technology Forcing for Planetary Survival
Phillips, F.Y.,
Pham Thi, T.
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024
Nexus between natural resource depletion and rent and COP26 commitments: Empirical evidence from Vietnam
Tran, T.K.,
Lin, C.Y.,
Tu, Y., ...
Pham Thi, T.,
Khamdamov, S.J.
Resources Policy, 2023
Natural resources and financial development: Role of corporate social responsibility on green economic growth in Vietnam
Cai, L.,
Le, T.
Resources Policy, 2023
How do climate risk and clean energy spillovers, and uncertainty affect U.S. stock markets?
Khalfaoui, R.,
Mefteh-Wali, S.,
Viviani, J.L., ...
Abedin, M.Z.,
Lucey, B.M.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022
Role of corporate social responsibility in sustainable energy development in emerging economy
Tiep, L.T.,
Huan, N.,
Hong, T.T.T.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2021
Mục tiêu 14. Tài nguyên và môi trường biển – Life below water
. Technical and scale efficiency of intensive white-leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farming in Vietnam: A data envelopment analysis
Ngoc, P.T.A.,
Le, V.,
Pham, T.T., ...
Le, T.C.,
Oude Lansink, A.G.
Aquaculture Economics and Management, 2023
Mục tiêu 16. Hòa bình, công lý và các thể chế mạnh mẽ – Peace, justice and strong institutions
Explore how perception of emotional blackmail affects users to withdraw from online communities: a role of psychological stress
Pham Thi, T.,
Duong, N.T.
International Journal of Learning Technology, 2024
Applying Quantitative and Data Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling for Accessing Factors Influencing Employee Loyalty
Tam, N.T.,
Truc, N.M.T.,
Thanh, H.L.T.
Journal of Applied Data Sciences, 2024
Service innovation in service industry: a perspective from HRM practices in Vietnam
Nguyen, V.D.,
Bui, H.D.,
Duong, N.T.
International Journal of Work Innovation, 2023
4. how does ai recruitment influence satisfaction among student job-seekers? the role of self-efficacy as a moderator and mediator
Duong, N.T.,
Pham Thi, T.
Obrazovanie i Nauka, 2022
Adoption of contract farming for managing agricultural risks: a case study in rice production in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Pham, T.T.,
Dang, H.L.,
Ngoc, P.T.A.,
Dang, H.D.
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 2021
The Soviet Legacy and Its Impact on Contemporary Vietnam
Nghia, P.D.,
Ha, D.
Socialist Law in Socialist East Asia, 2018
Mục tiêu 17. Quan hệ đối tác vì các mục tiêu – Partnerships for the goals
The impact of green finance, eco-innovation, renewable energy and carbon taxes on CO2 emissions in BRICS countries: Evidence from CS ARDL estimation
Sadiq, M.,
Chau, K.Y.,
Ha, N.T.T., ...
Quang-Thanh, N.,
Huy, P.Q.
Geoscience Frontiers, 2024
The Role of Environmental Management Accounting in Mediating Green Innovation to Firm Value: Moderated by Quality Management
Hidayat, I.,
Abbas, D.S.,
Lam, N.T.,
Sari, P.A.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2024
Exploring the use of multimedia in addressing the needs of mixed-level english learners in Vietnam: Teachers' perspectives
Nguyen, P.H.M.,
Hoang, T.N.
Addressing Issues of Learner Diversity in English Language Education, 2024
Prestige over profit, corporate social responsibility boosts corporate sustainable performance: mediation roles of brand image and brand loyalty
Le, T.,
Le, M.H.,
Nguyen Thi Tuong, V., ...
Nguyen Le Phuong, V.,
Mavuri, S.
Journal of Global Responsibility, 2024
How green transformational leadership drives environmental performance and firm performance? Empirical evidence from an emerging economy
Le, T.T.,
Chau, T.L.Q.,
Ngoc, L.T.T.,
Tieu, T.T.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2024
A study on organisational support policies, HRM practices, and organisational performance: evidence from logistics firms in Vietnam
Dung, P.T.T.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2024
A study on employees’ knowledge-sharing behaviour evidence from logistics firms in Vietnam
Bach, H.P.N.,
Truong, Q.,
Duong, N.T.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2024
Boosting green innovation on corporate performance: Managerial environmental concern's moderating role
Le, T.T.,
Govindan, K.
Business Strategy and the Environment, 2024
A study on workload and job satisfaction: work-family conflict and family-work conflict as mediators
Duong, N.T.
International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 2024
Peripheral-based subsidiaries and financial and non-financial performance: Evidence from an emerging market
Le, T.,
Battisti, E.,
Mai, T.
European Management Journal, 2024
The link between firm risk-taking and CEO power of listed firms on the Vietnamese stock market: the role of state ownership
Tran, N.T.,
Pham, T.N.D.,
Nguyen, D.D., ...
Phan, G.Q.,
Nguyen, T.T.H.
Cogent Business and Management, 2024
E-learning behavioral intention among college students: A comparative study
Pham Thi, T.,
Duong, N.T.
Education and Information Technologies, 2024
Socioeconomic determinants of income loss during COVID-19 in a mountainous area in Vietnam
Nguyen, T.,
Nguyen, Q.,
Le, M.,
Tran, V.
Development in Practice, 2024
Factors Influencing Human Resource Outsourcing Evidence In Vietnam
Pham, Q.T.,
Kieu, X.H.,
Pham, V.K.
Quality - Access to Success, 2024
Market Share Forecast of Vietnam and of the World’s Leading Textile and Garment Exporters by VAR Bayesian Model
Diep, N.T.N.,
Canh, T.Q.,
Nguyen, T.N.
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2024
The Impact of Global Value Chain Integration on Export: Evidence from Vietnam
Diep, N.T.N.,
Canh, T.Q.,
Nguyen, T.N.
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2024
Le, T.,
Behl, A.,
Graham, G.
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 2023
Corporate social responsibility and SMEs' performance: mediating role of corporate image, corporate reputation and customer loyalty
Le, T.
International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2023
What drives purchase behavior for electric vehicles among millennials in an emerging market
Le, T.,
Jabeen, F.,
Santoro, G.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023
How vietnamese EFL student learner identity is shaped through project-based learning: Research perspectives
Tran, T.Q.,
Tran, T.N.P.,
Duong, T.M.
Modern Perspectives and Current Trends in Asian Education, Psychology, and Sociology, 2023
The role of brand and market orientation on competitive advantage in the food sector: business strategy’s moderator role
Nguyen van, I.,
Le, T.,
Kotásková, A.
British Food Journal, 2023
A Cross-Cultural Study on the Role of Message Framing in the Promotion of Fair-Trade Buying Behavior
Phan, T.A.,
Nguyen, P.N.Q.,
Pham, N.A.,
Phan, N.
SAGE Open, 2023
Sustainable economic performance and natural resource price volatility in the post-covid-pandemic: Evidence using GARCH models in Chinese context
Pham Thi, T.,
Do, H.,
Paramaiah, C., ...
Pham, V.K.,
Shamansurova, Z.
Resources Policy, 2023
The association of corporate social responsibility and sustainable consumption and production patterns: The mediating role of green supply chain management
Le, T.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023
Contribution of corporate social responsibility on SMEs' performance in an emerging market – the mediating roles of brand trust and brand loyalty
Thanh, T.L.,
Huan, N.,
Aureliano-Silva, L.
International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2023
Nexus between natural resource depletion and rent and COP26 commitments: Empirical evidence from Vietnam
Tran, T.K.,
Lin, C.Y.,
Tu, Y., ...
Pham Thi, T.,
Khamdamov, S.J.
Resources Policy, 2023
The effects of online restaurant menus on consumer purchase intention: evidence from an emerging economy
Le, T.,
Bui Thi Tuyet, N.,
Le Anh, T., ...
Trinh Thi Thai, N.,
Nguyen Lan, A.
British Food Journal, 2023
The Use of Edtech Apps in English Language Learning: EFL Learners’ Perspectives
Tran, T.Q.,
Duong, T.M.,
Nguyen, D.T.H.
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2023
Linking big data, sustainable supply chain management and corporate performance: the moderating role of circular economy thinking
Le, T.
International Journal of Logistics Management, 2023
Quoc, A.N.,
My, S.T.
International Journal of Business and Society, 2023
Facebook-based language learning: Vietnamese university EFL students' attitudes and practices
Duong, T.M.,
Tran, T.Q.
Multidisciplinary Applications of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2023
Social Justice Ensures Sustainable Development in Vietnam
Hoan, T.Q.,
Tri, N.M.
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2023
Natural resources and financial development: Role of corporate social responsibility on green economic growth in Vietnam
Cai, L.,
Le, T.
Resources Policy, 2023
U.S.-China trade war and competitive advantage of Vietnam
Dhar, B.K.,
Tiep Le, T.,
Coffelt, T.A.,
Shaturaev, J.
Thunderbird International Business Review, 2023
A study on organisational trust, citizenship behaviour, and knowledge sharing: evidence from hotels in Vietnam
Le, T.G.,
Le Thi, N.Q.,
Bach, H.P.N.,
Duong, N.T.
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 2023
Linking innovation and firm performance in an emerging market: does supply chain play a mediation role?
Nguyen van, I.,
Kotásková, A.,
Ferraris, A.,
Le, T.
European Journal of Innovation Management, 2023
Service innovation in service industry: a perspective from HRM practices in Vietnam
Nguyen, V.D.,
Bui, H.D.,
Duong, N.T.
International Journal of Work Innovation, 2023
38. study on HRM practices, organisational identification, and fairness: evidence from logistics firms in Vietnam
Hoa, H.T.T.,
Pham Thi, T.
International Journal of Work Innovation, 2023
A study on employee mindfulness and organisational citizenship behaviour: job satisfaction and in-role behaviour as mediators
Pham Thi, T.,
Duong, N.T.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2023
Promoting customer loyalty through e-marketing communication at commercial banks
Anh, N.Q.,
My, S.T.,
Pham, D.P.T.
Nurture, 2023
The Tariff Impact of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement on Vietnam’s Seafood Export and Import
Tran, N.T.,
Tran, T.K.
Global Trade and Customs Journal, 2023
Role of corporate social responsibility on firm performance in emerging economy: The mediating role of access to finance and business model innovation
Ngo, Q.H.,
Le, T.
Cogent Business and Management, 2023
Consumers’ intention to use APPs to purchase in physical stores Evidence from Vietnam
Pham, V.K.
Quality - Access to Success, 2023
Do people intend to use AI Voice Assistants? An empirical study in Vietnam
Pham Thi, T.,
Duong, N.T.
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 2023
Technical and scale efficiency of intensive white-leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farming in Vietnam: A data envelopment analysis
Ngoc, P.T.A.,
Le, V.,
Pham, T.T., ...
Le, T.C.,
Oude Lansink, A.G.
Aquaculture Economics and Management, 2023
Perceived risk and booking intention in the crisis of Covid-19: comparison of tourist hotels and love hotels
Pham Minh, Q.,
Ngoc Mai, N.
Tourism Recreation Research, 2023
Building up more sustainable food supply chains: Implications for sustainable development
Le, T.,
Kieu, X.H.,
Behl, A.,
Pereira, V.E.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022
Factors influencing knowledge-sharing intention on social network sites: An empirical study in Vietnam
Pham Thi, T.,
Duong, N.T.
Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2022
Correction to: Role of corporate governance in quick response to Covid-19 to improve SMEs’ performance: evidence from an emerging market (Operations Management Research, (2022), 15, 1-2, (528-550), 10.1007/s12063-021-00238-4)
Le, T.,
Behl, A.
Operations Management Research, 2022
The Mediated Role of Satisfaction in Boosting the Perceived Progress via Interaction in Online Learning: Empirical Evidence from Private Universities in Vietnam
Tien, H.,
My, S.T.,
Duy, T.N.,
Ngoc, D.N.
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2022
Effects of quick response to COVID-19 with change in corporate governance principles on SMEs’ business continuity: evidence in Vietnam
Le, T.,
Nguyen, V.K.
Corporate Governance (Bingley), 2022
E-learning Outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic
My, S.T.,
Tien, H.,
My, H.T.,
Le Quoc, T.
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2022
Role of corporate governance in quick response to Covid-19 to improve SMEs’ performance: evidence from an emerging market
Le, T.,
Behl, A.
Operations Management Research, 2022
Task-based language teaching: a possible remedy for vietnamese efl students’ esp reading comprehension at a vocational college
Duong, T.M.,
Le Truong, M.
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 2022
A Study on Vietnamese Consumer Behavior Toward Online Shopping During the Time of Covid-19
Duong, N.T.,
Dung, P.T.T.,
Kien, P.
Quality - Access to Success, 2022
Impact analysis of peer-to-peer Fintech in Vietnam’s banking industry
Diep, N.T.N.,
Canh, T.Q.
Journal of International Studies, 2022
A Study on Knowledge Sharing Behavior among IT Engineers: An Extended Theory of Planned Behavior
Pham Thi, T.,
Duong, N.T.
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2022
Credit Rating Models for Firms in Vietnam Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
Pham, Q.H.,
Ho, D.,
Khandaker, S.
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2022
Counterfactual analysis among Covid-19: fiscal and monetary policy for green economic recovery
Liu, Z.,
Lu, L.,
Tiep Le, T.,
Saydaliev, H.B.
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja , 2022
The impact of corporate governance on firms’ value in an emerging country: The mediating role of corporate social responsibility and organisational identification
Tiep Le, T.,
Nguyen, V.K.
Cogent Business and Management, 2022
Do sustainability innovation and firm competitiveness help improve firm performance? Evidence from the SME sector in vietnam
Le, T.,
Ikram, M.
Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2022
The contribution of corporate social responsibility on SMEs performance in emerging country
Thanh, T.L.,
Huan, N.,
Thuy Hong, T.T.,
Tran, D.K.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021
Implementing task-based language teaching in vietnamese secondary schools: What hinders EFL teachers?
Duong, T.M.,
Nguyen, H.T.T.
TESL-EJ, 2021
Accessing the logistics service competitiveness: A study on four emerging nations in Southeast Asia
Tran, L.A.D.,
Pham, V.K.
Information Resources Management Journal, 2021
Adoption of contract farming for managing agricultural risks: a case study in rice production in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Pham, T.T.,
Dang, H.L.,
Ngoc, P.T.A.,
Dang, H.D.
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 2021
Determinants for competitiveness in the context of international integration pressure: Case of small and medium enterprises in emerging economy–Vietnam
Thanh, T.L.,
Huan, N.,
Hong, T.T.T.
Cogent Business and Management, 2021
Digital transformation in financial services provision: a Nigerian perspective to the adoption of chatbot
Abdulquadri, A.,
Mogaji, E.,
Kieu, T.A.,
Nguyen, P.N.
Journal of Enterprising Communities, 2021
Effects of corporate social responsibility on SMEs’ performance in emerging market
Tiep, L.T.,
Huan, N.,
Hong, T.T.T.
Cogent Business and Management, 2021
Role of corporate social responsibility in sustainable energy development in emerging economy
Tiep, L.T.,
Huan, N.,
Hong, T.T.T.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2021
Energy efficiency: Determinants and roles on sustainable development in emerging country
Tiep, L.T.,
Huan, N.,
Hong, T.T.T.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2021
Impact of Social Network Usage on Academic Performance of the Vietnamese Students
Tung, L.,
Ha, T.M.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
The roles of health consciousness and service quality toward customer purchase decision
Tran, A.T.,
Pham, T.N.,
van Pham, K.,
Linh, N.T.C.
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2020
Developing traditional handcraft villages: The determinants of lending decision from Binh Duong Province's banks in Vietnam
Le, M.T.,
Le, D.N.T.
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2020
My, S.T.
International Journal of Analysis and Applications, 2020
A study on the COVID-19 awareness affecting the consumer perceived benefits of online shopping in Vietnam
Pham, V.K.,
Do, T.T.H.,
Ha Le, T.H.
Cogent Business and Management, 2020
Qualitatively exploring the effect of change in the residential environment on travel behaviour
Farinloye, T.,
Mogaji, E.,
Aririguzoh, S.,
Kieu, T.A.
Travel Behaviour and Society, 2019
Ownership feature and firm performance via corporate innovation performance: Does it really matter for Vietnamese SMEs?
Nguyen, V.D.,
Nguyen, H.T.T.,
Nguyen, S.K.
Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, 2018
An alternate internal credit rating system for construction and timber industries using artificial neural network: Case study of bank for development and investment
Hai, P.,
Ngoc, T.T.L.,
do Thanh Phuong, B.
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2018
Success predictor for international joint ventures in Vietnam
Minh Tri, C.
International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2012
Các công trình nghiên cứu tiêu biểu trên, dù chỉ là một phần nhỏ trong số các nghiên cứu có tầm ảnh hưởng lớn tại UEF, những vẫn thể hiện rõ cam kết của chúng tôi đối với việc thúc đẩy phát triển bền vững. Mỗi nghiên cứu là một bước tiến quan trọng trong việc giải quyết các thách thức toàn cầu, từ đó đóng góp vào sự phát triển của xã hội và bảo vệ môi trường. Bên cạnh đó, Trường UEF luôn hỗ trợ và khuyến khích sinh viên, giảng viên và các nhà nghiên cứu tham gia vào các dự án có liên quan đến SDGs, nhằm tạo ra những giá trị phát triển bền vững. Với sứ mệnh thúc đẩy sự xuất sắc trong nghiên cứu và giảng dạy, Trường Đại học Kinh tế - Tài chính Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (UEF) sẽ tiếp tục góp tích cực vào việc đạt được các mục tiêu phát triển bền vững của Liên Hợp Quốc.