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Completing the International Conference Organization with the first female professor of Diplomacy


After more than 3 weeks of studying, K18 IR-ers have completed the lessons in the Chairing International Conference with Prof. Nguyen Thai Yen Huong - Former Deputy Director of Diplomatic Academy, Chairman of ASEAN Intergovernmental Committee on Human Rights 2020.


In the past lessons, the students were given the chance by Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thai Yen Huong guides on the structure of an International Conference, the difference between an ordinary event and an international event, the roles, functions and challenges in the process of doing the tasks of the Chairman and Delegates; techniques, ways to develop plans and strategies to solve problems arising during the Conference. Finally, they have been equipped with the necessary knowledge and notes for the upcoming final exam.

With teaching experience and domain knowledge in Diplomacy, the Faculty of International Relations of UEF believes that students will absorb and learn a lot of useful and interesting things from the first Female Professor of Diplomacy in Vietnam. The Dean of the Faculty of International Relations would like to express her sincere and the deepest thanks for the interest, presence and guidance of Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thai Yen Huong for K18 IR-ers in particular and the Faculty of International Relations in general. Her suggestions, guidance, and exchange will help students be more confident in their skills and sure in their knowledge. Best regards to Ambassador, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thai Yen Huong. 


Finally, the Faculty of International Relations UEF wishes K18-ers a good result in their final exam.


Chairing International Conference - Organizing International Conferences is one of the subjects that have been taught at the Faculty of International Relations, University of Economics and Finance, Ho Chi Minh City, for final year students of Diplomatic majors. This course not only provides information, skills and knowledge to students of diplomacy who may be appointed or elected to chair meetings with international elements in the future, but also helps understand what the chair is doing and the reasons for those decisions and behaviors. Therefore, this is a highly applicable subject of the International Relations major - the Diplomatic Profession that the Faculty's students can participate in.