Academic year 2021-2022: Community engagement activities continue to be implemented in many subjects
During half of the first semester (1A) of the academic year 2021-2022, many UEF Faculties have implemented activities for community engagement in subjects. These received positive responses from students and support from the Centre of Service-Learning.
According to the previously discussed plan, lecturers and students from the community engagement courses in Semester 1A had meetings to understand needs with community partners.
Ms Nguyen Ha Thanh, Representative of the SSEC organisation introducing community needs to students of Scientific Research Methods
Coming to the working sessions, community partners included Supporting Social Enterprise Community (SSEC), Survival Skills Vietnam (SSVN), Hana Group, Cerebral Palsy Family Association Vietnam (CPFAV), and Center for Research and Education of The Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED).
Ms Tang My Sang (Faculty of Economics) and Ms Dinh Nguyen Thien An (Director of the Centre of Service-Learning) exchanging with students
Ms Ly Dan Thanh and the students of Brand Management
The effective and quality working sessions helped students better understand the needs of partners and connect with the subjects, from which students had more ideas to effectively serve the important goals of community partners. Currently, the subjects integrated with community engagement activities include:
The Faculty of Economics: Research Methodology in Business (Mr Huynh Nhut Nghia, PhD, and Tang My Sang, MSc)
The Faculty of Business Administration: Direct Marketing and Brand Management (Mr Le Hong Dac, MA)
The Faculty of Public Relations and Communication: Event Organisation (Mr Phan Bao Giang, PhD)
This was an opportunity for students to demonstrate their abilities in parallel with the goal of learning—serving the community, as Mr Phan Bao Giang (Vice Dean of the Faculty of Public Relations and Communication) shared: ‘I hope your product is not only the result of the course but can also enthusiastically and positively contribute to community activities’.
Lecturer Phan Bao Giang and the students of Event Organisation
In the coming November, the report of the course results will be carried out, promising to showcase many impressive creations of UEF students. Thereby, the youthful UEF-ers will give many new perspectives on community issues.