SL/CEL Course

Exciting challenges with two community engagement subjects: Direct Marketing and Brand Management

On November 10 and 11, more than 60 students of the UEF Faculty of Business Administration participating in two community engagement subjects, Direct Marketing and Brand Management, had final reporting sessions according to course requirements. Attending the reporting sessions, in addition to students from the groups, there were also representatives from two community organizations: Center for Education Research for the Deaf (CED) and Social Enterprise SSVN Survival Skills. On the UEF side, there is MSc. Le Hong Dac - Lecturer teaching the subject, Head of Marketing, MSc. Dinh Nguyen Thien An - Director of the Community Connection Center (TT. KNCĐ) accompanies you.
The main content in the reports are proposed plans to implement Direct Marketing and Brand Management activities for community organizations. This is the result of your positive learning over 6 weeks of hard work.
Integrating subjects into community connections brings many values ​​to community service organizations
Case Study CED: Masks increase communication quality

With CED organization, the topic that 4 groups of students chose to participate in was Direct Marketing planning for transparent mask products. This is a product that CED hopes will be supported for many people to use to increase the quality of communication for deaf people, especially those who can read lip signals.
Current context of CED is a non-profit organization with the goal of supporting the integration of deaf people. Currently, CED still has many limitations in terms of experience and resources in implementing business activities. This is considered a "Case study" with many challenges for UEF students.

Direct Marketing students report their course results

After analyzing and understanding organizational information as well as applying expertise from the instructors' instructions, the groups completed the proposed plan as required. Many creative ideas have been brought in by you with a variety of activities that are both new and practical: improving product design to suit your tastes, expanding awareness through community events, Spread meaningful messages with "health gift sets" and inspirational characters,...
Not only stopping at Direct Marketing content, many students also integrate additional knowledge about Brand Management, identity development, and support in making additional logos for products to increase value. Through this, it can be seen that UEFers sympathize with the difficulties of community partners and hope that the subject's achievements will help the development of the product, bringing many benefits to the deaf community.
The logo was designed specifically for the product by UEF students

During the integration process in Direct Marketing, realizing that CED's products needed support in brand development, the Brand Management course conducted by MSc. Le Hong Dac and two groups of students was also implemented. declaration of attachment. With general knowledge and guidance from lecturers, UEF students conducted analysis of current brand elements such as: brand name, slogan, logo, colors,... From the Analyzing existing reviews, students create many solutions to improve brand positioning to reach customers more easily.

Brand Management students presented analysis and evaluation of CED's transparent mask brand

Ms. Bui Thi Ngoc - CED representative attending the report said: "She was very impressed with your vision and professional style in presentation as well as the products and suggestions you raised. will be valuable references for CED. In addition, the way you change the presentation format so she can follow shows that you have good sympathy and understanding of your partner. She appreciates that very much."
Ms. Bui Thi Ngoc, representing CED, praised UEFers' community project proposals.

Case Study SSVN: First aid course to protect yourself and your loved ones

Social enterprise Survival Skills SSVN has many outstanding activities in providing first aid course information. The product that this social enterprise wants is to expand the scientific market for first aid to contribute to reducing the death rate due to incorrect first aid.
Unlike non-profit organizations, the products and orientation of social enterprises have many similarities with the content of Direct Marketing, but that does not make this Case Study less challenging. As a social enterprise, SSVN has a lot of experience implementing operations but still faces many difficulties in terms of human resources and capital, and the markets that the business wants to reach also have many challenges in terms of people's awareness use

Some other content in the reporting sessions

Receiving enthusiastic advice from lecturers and information support from Mr. Ho Thai Binh - Co-Founder of SSVN Survival Skills Social Enterprise - students gradually solved problems to find real solutions. practical and meets the course objectives. The survey activities were carried out according to instructions to locate customers and find segments suitable for the product, creating an important premise for interesting discoveries.
Many creative ideas were born during the learning process and were integrated into the Direct Marketing plan. From a variety of ideas, you have gradually concreted them into activities such as: organizing community events to attract the attention of target customers, methodical Email Marketing techniques or experience care processes. Automated customer experience,...

In his role as an entrepreneur, Mr. Ho Thai Binh has had many positive reviews about your achievements. According to Mr. Binh, "Your ideas have many breakthroughs, creativity in approach and science in management methods. Each group has its own advantages that, if combined, will make the plan further improvement. The survey results and your recommendations are valuable references for businesses in product development. In addition, you need to pay attention to clarify the "quality" part of the product. activities as well as adding feasibility when implementing ideas into practice"
Mr. Ho Thai Binh - Social Enterprise SSVN Survival Skills
Comment and appreciate the ideas of UEF students in the Direct Marketing subject

Completion of the course marks a short but valuable experience. In addition to being given opportunities to create activities and serve practical needs from community organizations and social enterprises, students also have more life experiences and face many challenges to try their best. overate. Mr. Le Hong Dac shared at the end of the report: "With high appreciation from the business side. organization, the teacher is very proud of the students' learning efforts. Learning along with practice will help students absorb knowledge in class faster. The analysis results that you have done have a lot of potential to become valuable scientific research if you have time to go deeper."
Community partners and instructors congratulate you on completing your presentation

Community service engagement activities in this subject have provided many practical challenges for stakeholders to learn from integration experiences. Especially in the Economics sector, there is also a certain degree of difficulty in terms of expertise and specific differences between Media Enterprises and Social Enterprises/Non-Profit Organizations.
UEF students complete reporting sessions with the spirit of wholehearted service

Therefore, when implementing, it is necessary to have support efforts from lecturers, with coordination of course output with community service content. The short implementation time is also another challenge when students have little opportunity to participate in many academic reflection activities to increase the quality of their learning. However, the innovative and groundbreaking ideas that the students came up with throughout the process have greatly helped community partners in reaching young people.

On behalf of TT. KNCĐ, Ms. Dinh Nguyen Thien An also thanked everyone for daring to accept the challenge and prove their abilities. Participating in community-engaged subjects is always more challenging, requires more effort, and the results are also more rewarding.

News and photos: Community Connection Center