SL/CEL Course

UEF IT students hand over WEB design products to Ai Linh Love School.

On April 28th, more than 30 students from UEF's Information Technology (IT) program attended the Website Handover Ceremony at Ai Linh Love School. This is a Web Design activity led by MSc. Tran Thanh Cong, with the Community Connection Center (CCC) coordinating the organization. During the ceremony, UEF volunteer students thoughtfully organized two practical experiences for the children: a playing booth and a thematic training session on "Safety when using social networks."

Prior to that, in order for the activities to run smoothly, students from the Service-Learning project met and collaborated with students from the IT department to plan the program's activities. The UEFers have encouraged their creativity and developed a variety of relevant activities with the goal of providing children with an opportunity to not only have fun but also learn valuable skills. Despite the difficulty of the task, they accepted it because of their love of children and willingness to give back to the community. The organizing work was completed successfully by UEF students.

Students plan to prepare for the activities at handover ceremony
Having been informed in advance, more than 200 students at Ai Linh School of Love  were looking forward to the presence of UEF volunteers. The UEF volunteers and the children here gradually understand each other after just a few minutes of getting to know each other. The small yard of Ai Linh School was now filled with the joy of UEF children and students.

UEF lecturers and students participate in interesting activities with the children.

A thematic meeting titled "Be safe while using social media" is being held, as well as gaming activities to teach children important social media skills. The topic appeared simple at first glance, but it became challenging when students were required to analyze the mark and choose the best way to express it for understanding and fitting the students. Following the training activities, the children learn more about cyberspace dangers, how to protect themselves from such dangers, and how to use social media safely.
Huynh Ngoc Yen Nhu represents topic “Be safe while using social media”
The pupils are excited to take part in the discussion.
The main activity of the handover ceremony was a report on the process of designing and building websites by two teams of Web Design students. Despite the differences in approaches, the results demonstrate both a logical and an aesthetic component. Throughout the process, students demonstrated their ability and effort by analyzing and evaluating the needs of community partners and then applying their expertise to solve them.

Huynh Ngoc Yen Nhu - Team Leader 1 expressed her decision to participate in community service activities on the subject: "I feel this is a really meaningful and useful activity. It is useful because, when participating in the subject with community service, my group had to think about putting themselves in the position of community organization so that they could understand the wishes of their partners, which is a valuable experience. beneficial to my future work The significance is that I see that the outcomes of my group truly benefit the community, and it is no longer just an exercise.”
UEF students present the Website design process for Ai Linh School
According to Soeur Nguyen Ngoc Trinh, Principal of Ai Linh School of Love: "Your creations have a special place in my heart. The two websites' design layouts are bright, clear, and effective. With these products, Ai Linh School's activities will have more tools to communicate more effectively, spread more information about the value of activities, and many resources will be sourced from here. developed in collaboration with Ai Linh School to improve learning conditions for children. In addition, i also strongly believes that today's products will be developed and improved by you more and more perfect.”
UEF students complete website Handover ceremony
The handover ceremony ends successfully as an opportunity to open many new doors, including opportunities for students to gain more meaningful real-world experiences and collaboration between Ai Linh Love School and UEF.
Feature Writing: Community Connection Center