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After Japan and Singapore, UEF sends more students to China for international internships


As the departure time approached, the three students could not hide the excitement and anxiety on their faces. They were eagerly looking forward to completely new experiences; however, they also cannot help but wonder about the upcoming changes as they move to a new country.


In this academic year, the Center of Corporate Partnerships and UEF Faculty of Languages and International Cultures launched an international internship program in China for UEFers. On May 14, the flight carrying the interns to China took off with pride of UEF and their families. Students are embarking on a new internship with a wealth of interesting experiences and challenges at Guangxi University for Nationalities (China).

3 students will participate in an internship at Guangxi University for Nationalities (China)

Starting a new journey with excitement

The three students participating in the internship were Vo Hoai Phuong, Vo Mai Thao, and Le Dang Phuong Nghi, all from the 2019 and 2020 cohorts of the UEF Faculty of Chinese Language. Mr. Do Quoc Anh - Vice Chairman, Board of Directors, Mr. Huynh Quoc Phong - Director, Center of Corporate Partnerships, Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan - Deputy Dean, Faculty of Languages and International Cultures, along with the students’ families, were present at the airport to bid farewell to the students.


The university representatives and families saw UEFers off at the airport.


As the departure time approached, the three students could not hide the excitement and anxiety on their faces. They were eagerly looking forward to completely new experiences; however, they also cannot help but wonder about the upcoming changes as they move to a new country.

“I am excited and looking forward to this international internship. This is a great opportunity to develop my professional competence as well as my language skills. I have already had a studying experience at this university before, so this time there's not much to worry about,” Le Dang Phuong Nghi shared at the farewell. 

Phuong Nghi became acquainted with Guangxi University for Nationalities while attending a semester abroad organized by UEF, as a language exchange student. “Before participating in the international internship program, I was equipped with the necessary skills and guidelines for studying and working abroad. In addition to the professional knowledge of Chinese language, business culture, and lifestyle in China, UEF also provided useful soft skills that allow me to confidently pursue my studies and career in an international environment,” she expressed. 

For her first time working overseas, Vo Hoai Phuong clearly expressed her youthful desire with an indescribable feeling of excitement. Since receiving the news of passing the interview, Hoai Phuong has been well-prepared to begin her four-month stay in a foreign country.

Hoai Phuong confided: “After spending more than a month finishing paperwork, I have finally set foot in China with an inexpressible feeling. I’m working as a collaborator with the International Institute of Guangxi University for Nationalities, a university that cooperates with UEF. My foundation is strengthened by the skills and professional knowledge I acquired at UEF. Additionally, UEF also offered students the optimal conditions to live and work in China.” 


Phuong Nghi, Hoai Phuong, and Mai Thao are ready to embark on a 4-month internship in China


Vo Mai Thao, another member of the intern group, is looking forward to not only developing herself but also making a positive impression at work and in China overall. Moreover, Mai Thao would like to express her appreciation to UEF for actively organizing international internship programs for students and expanding job opportunities in domestic as well as global markets. This is a valuable experience that helps students to develop themselves and secure an ideal future job.

Expectations from families and lecturers

During the see-off, Ms. Dang Thi Hoa, Vo Mai Thao's parent, expressed her feelings of anxiety but also full of pride and utmost trust: “When I learned that she was going to intern in China, our family was not really worried about her leaving for another country because, for me, UEF's international internship program is reliable. Moreover, we are proud of her effort to strive for an international internship. We only hope that she will complete the program successfully, gain a wealth of knowledge and skills, and return home as the pride of her family and the university. There will be more challenges ahead, but with the family's unwavering support, I hope my daughter will overcome them all.”

Ms. Dang Thi Hoa and her family saw off their eldest daughter on April 3 as she participated in an internship in Japan. Therefore, they always place their faith in UEF and fully support their children's decisions.

Presenting at the airport, Mr. Do Quoc Anh extended his greetings, congratulations, and sincere encouragement to the three students and their families. Currently, there are a significant number of students interning in Japan, but this is the first batch of students interning in China. Therefore, it is hoped that UEFers will use their vibrant colors to symbolize UEF to the outside world. Moreover, they also need to strictly comply with the schedule, and business regulations and regularly communicate in Chinese to enhance their language proficiency. He also added that several considerations had gone into the program's implementation, with the priority being to ensure students’ rights and other aspects of their lives. Additionally, UEF representatives also counseled students on the importance of solidarity while studying abroad. 


Mr. Do Quoc Anh and the lecturers motivated students and their families with words of encouragement.


Besides, the students were heartened by Mr. Huynh Quoc Phong’s encouraging words. In his words, there are challenges of transitioning from university to the workplace, especially in a foreign country. Therefore, UEFers should be ready to adapt, acquire knowledge, and improve themselves. After overcoming initial difficulties, UEFers will be able to experience a new world with stable job prospects in the future.


Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan further emphasized the necessity for students to continuously learn and enhance their knowledge to adapt to new environments, as diverse tasks require a wide range of skills and experiences. She firmly believed that after completing the internship in China, students would be more courageous, self-assured, and grow both professionally and personally.


UEFers will accumulate valuable experiences through overseas internships


Pursuing the goal of internationalizing education, UEF constantly broadens international collaborative programs, cultural exchanges, and especially international internship programs to create more opportunities for UEFers to develop and access new knowledge sources. These programs will be maintained and expanded in the near future. Following the success of internships in three major markets, including Japan, Singapore, and China, UEF will offer internship opportunities in July for students in the United States - the world's leading economic power.


Having organized successful previous programs, UEF also placed great faith in the upcoming internship journey in China for the three UEFers. It is hoped that this international internship will equip them with new skills and foster a strong team spirit. With the confidence and enthusiasm of the youth, the batch of students has officially embarked on their adventure with unweaving support from UEF and their families.




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