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Flamenco and Dances: A vibrant and colorful international artistic exchange program at UEF


JUNE 6 - The Friendship Show, with the theme "Flamenco and Dances," brought together many dance groups from Spain and Latin America, and famous dancers along with UEF student clubs, to create an impressive musical feast. The program not only contributed to promoting the spirit of friendship between Vietnam and other countries but also established an international artistic exchange space for the UEF students.

A vibrant and colorful music night of international art at UEF on June 6

The program was attended by Ms. Ariadne Feo Labrada - Consul General of the Republic of Cuba in Ho Chi Minh City; Ms. Eva Kurniati Situmorang - Consul for Social, Cultural Affairs, and Education at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia; Ms. Merlyna, Assistant at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia; and Ms. Helena Afrianty, Officer at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, along with other international guests.

On behalf of the sponsors, there were representatives of enterprises such as SSI, Greenteck, and Hakinia. On the UEF side, there was the Board of Presidents, along with leaders and representatives of UEF units.


Organizing Committee representatives thanked international units and friends for their support
According to Mr. Nguyen Quoc Viet - Director, UEF Spanish and Latin American Institute, “This event is a bridge of friendship between UEF and enterprises as well as international friends who are working and living in Ho Chi Minh City and neighboring provinces. Furthermore, the Organizing Committee aims to convey the unique cultures of Spain and Latin America to the audience and together implement the internationalization strategy within the UEF environment. After a hard day of work and school, the audience will be immersed in an international festival, relaxing and entertaining themselves while simultaneously making new friends.”

Spanish is currently the native language of Spain and 21 Latin American countries, each with its own unique culture. Flamenco, the distinctive and captivating dance of Spain, is also not to be missed. In addition, Latin American countries are the origins of numerous renowned dances, such as Tango from Argentina, Rumba from Cuba, Salsa from Puerto Rico, and Bachata from the Dominican Republic, among others.

Various types of dance are performed in the program

The program showcased a vibrant and multicultural art party that captivated the audience through dance performances by international dance groups and artists. Additionally, passionate modern dance performances were delivered by students from the D149 Crew and Vortex Dance Crew, both from the UEF Arts and Culture Institute.

UEFers had the opportunity to experience Tango dance steps with international artists. They received direct instruction from these artists, learning the basic steps as well as the rules of Tango.

UEFers learned Tango with international artists

The program offered an engaging exchange experience and an entertaining environment, and an opportunity for UEFers to learn Spanish and Latin American cultures through art. Through the event, UEFers also contributed to promoting the image of integration, youthfulness, and dynamism of UEF students to international friends.






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