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From Virtual Internship to On-Ground Success: UEFer Lands Job in Singapore


UEF organized a farewell party for students flying to Singapore to conclude the online international internships.


Nguyen Thao secured an official job offer after successfully completing her online internship as a Marketing Communication Associate through the Skilio program at Claus Ellegaard A/S Company (CEAS). Her consistent efforts over this period demonstrated her capabilities, as well as the dynamic, creative, and enthusiastic spirit that UEF students bring to international enterprises.


The delegation accompanying students to Singapore to conclude their online international internship and receive job offers included Mr. Huynh Quoc Phong, Director of the Center for Enterprise Relations, and Ms. Nguyen Thi Bich Van, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Public Relations and Communication.


Nguyen Thao had proven her ability and was retained by international businesses.

Because Nguyen Thao is an outstanding and capable student, the lecturers had little concern about her trip. At the airport, they simply reminded her to take care of her health, confidently present herself, and continue making a positive impression on foreign businesses. In addition, the UEF representative congratulated Nguyen Thao on successfully completing her internship and securing a full-time position with the company immediately afterward.


Reflecting on this unique online internship, Nguyen Thao identified four valuable lessons she gained. She learned how to manage her time effectively to meet tight deadlines, how to approach unfamiliar tasks in English and overcome them through self-research, and how to connect and harmonize with new relationships. Most importantly, she realized that nothing comes easy—it takes time to adapt and learn. 

UEF lecturers encouraged and sent congratulations to Nguyen Thao before she went to Singapore.


When asked about her special preparations for negotiating a salary that reflects her abilities, Nguyen Thao shared: "I prepared a list of tasks that I successfully completed during my nearly four-month internship. Additionally, I obtained certificates to enhance my professional skills and achieved high academic results at UEF. I believe these are important factors for the company to consider and evaluate."

According to the schedule, Nguyen Thao was set to have meetings with the company's departments in Singapore starting on July 22 and in Malaysia from July 29. The trip would conclude on August 2. Following this, she would have the flexibility to work online from Vietnam and undertake business trips to other countries as needed.

It is known that Nguyen Thao is an active student with excellent academic results.

To achieve the smooth progress she has now, Nguyen Thao credits not only her own efforts but also the support and guidance she received from her family and teachers. "I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the lecturers who have dedicated themselves to educating me over the past four years, providing a foundation of knowledge and practical experience that has enabled me to excel in my work. Moreover, I also want to thank my mother, who has always supported me in exploring new opportunities and shaped me into the person I am today."

It is believed that with the knowledge and achievements she has gained, this talented student will continue to grow, meet the demands of her work, and quickly advance in her career. UEF once again congratulates Ly Nguyen Nguyen Thao on completing her international internship and successfully securing an official job offer from the company.


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