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International Student Engagement Through the Project Design Innovation Co-teaching Course


The co-teaching course brought a wealth of experience to international students.

The Project Design Innovation Workshop was developed around the theme of 'Innovations towards City Planning,' a topic that has garnered significant interest in today’s world. Additionally, having gained hands-on experience with this theme in the previous semester, UEF students were well-equipped to guide and support students from KKS this time.

At the beginning of the program, representatives and students from VJIT-HUTECH, along with the UEF Center of Project Design Education, warmly welcomed the international delegation. After being introduced to the Project Design Innovation Workshop co-teaching course, students began forming groups to officially kick off the class. During the activity, UEFers proactively introduced themselves and made friends with students from Kyoto (Japan) in their work groups.

Students were gradually acquainted with each other then formed into groups.


Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hung - Director of the UEF Center of Project Design Education, began with a brief introduction of the program objectives to help students grasp the importance of urban planning. Throughout the discussions and sharing sessions, students gained a deeper understanding and gradually grasped the subject matter.


Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hung provided details about the course.

By employing Design Thinking, which involves the steps of Understanding (observing, surveying, interviewing), Defining (identifying challenges and needs), and Ideating (generating solutions, describing projects) in the problem-solving process, the groups collaboratively researched and discovered a wide range of concerns related to public transportation systems, plastic waste, traffic congestion, etc. Under the guidance of UEF and K.I.T lecturers, the four groups eventually conducted direct surveys and interviews with relevant parties to collect data, analyze findings, and discuss, ultimately coming up with various solutions to address these issues.

Students from UEF, HUTECH, and KKS collaborated together with great enthusiasm.

After two days of hard work in a convivial atmosphere, student groups used posters and short presentations to exhibit their final products. This was a wonderful opportunity for UEFers to not only gain new knowledge and hands-on experience in Design Thinking but also immerse themselves in project-based learning with lecturers and international friends.

Students presented the final result after two days of hard work  

Furthermore, K.I.T lecturers deemed the practical approach and professional work ethic demonstrated by Vietnamese lecturers and students to be profound in this course. It is believed that UEF students gained valuable knowledge and created many unforgettable memories with their international friends and lecturers through this co-teaching course.

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