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The reasons for students to choose UEF's on-site study abroad program

Studying in countries with advanced education systems in the world is the wish of many young people. However, it is not easy to achieve that dream when the cost of studying abroad is expensive, the competitive rate of scholarships is high, etc. Especially, during the complicated developments of COVID-19, the dream of studying abroad is harder to come true.

In order to help students to access study environment and international standard programs without going abroad, UEF has designed an on-site study abroad program with many advantages. So, what are the plus points of UEF's on-site study abroad program for students to be excited to apply? Let's find out now!

Study in Vietnam - Receive an international degree

In the trend of globalization, universities in the world are constantly expanding links with universities in Vietnam and vice versa. This is a good opportunity for students to receive an international bachelor's degree in their own countries.

Typically, UEF is a university that constantly strives to connect and cooperate with famous universities to bring the better learning opportunities for students. In addition to the bilingual education program, UEF is currently cooperating with Gloucestershire University (UK) to deploy international bachelor's degree with majors: Business and Marketing Management, English Language and Linguistics, Hotel, Resort and Tourism Management; and Leeds Trinity University (UK) with a major in International Business. After graduating, students will immediately receive an international bachelor's degree from the partner university that is recognized by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam.

Students experience the quality of Western education in UEF

The learning environment is suitable for young people

The international standard learning environment at UEF is suitable for dynamics of the generation Z. Studying in a 100% English environment will help students practice their English-speaking skills effectively like studying abroad.

It is interesting that students will meet international friends to exchange cultures, learn more about other countries' civilization. From that, Vietnamese students become more confident and dynamic.

Besides, physical training activities, picnics, seminars, etc. are indispensable activities in international standard programs held regularly, aiming to help all-round development of students.

Students have opportunities to participate in many international activities

Teaching methods are also an important factor that creates the value of the on-site study abroad program. Lecturers use cutting-edge teaching models from the UK universities to create open learning spaces that stimulate students' creativity, leadership, criticism and presentation. Moreover, the class size does not exceed 25 students/class, making it easy for students to express their opinions and interact with teachers.

Cost optimization

It is easy to see that many parents are worried about their children when they study abroad because of the expensive cost, especially the difference in monetary value that many families cannot afford. Therefore, on-site study abroad program is the solution that many parents choose. According to statistics, the total cost of on-site study abroad is 20 to 30% lower than the cost of studying abroad.

Not only that, in the pandemic, parents whose children to study in Vietnam - a country that has been fighting epidemics effectively - will be more secure about safety and health issues.

Job opportunities are open

Possessing an international degree, freshers can apply to domestic and foreign corporations. In addition, when choosing to work in Vietnam, students have competitive advantages because they know the economic, political and social changes in the country that are able to adapt to their work effectively.

With the above reasons, on-site study abroad program can help students make their dreams come true while ensuring the quality of study in the pandemic.

UEF is receiving admission documents for the UK bachelor program until May 31.
Admission dossier includes:
- Application form (according to UEF's form);
- 02 notarized copies of high school graduation certificate or temporary certificate of high school graduation (notarized);
- 02 notarized copies of high school transcripts (notarized)
- 02 notarized copies of ID card / Passport (notarized);
- 01 CV certified by the locality;
- 01 copy of the birth certificate;
- 01 health certificate;
- 04 international standard 5x5 white background photos;
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