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UEFers experience Japanese culture with Somen noodles and proper chopstick etiquette

Attending the workshop were Dr. Vo Van Thanh Than - Dean, Faculty of Languages and International Cultures; Mr. Cao Do Quyen - Program Assistant in Japanese Language, and many lecturers. The speaker at the workshop was Ms. Miyazaki Kyoko - faculty member, Japanese Language.


UEFers had the opportunity to broaden their perspectives on Japanese culture at the workshop

Japan is renowned for the richness of its cultural heritage. One of its many unique features is Japanese chopstick etiquette, on which students in the event received thorough guidance from Ms. Miyazaki Kyoko.

How to hold the chopsticks properly, the dos and don'ts of using them while eating have been carefully analyzed. Through her sharings, UEFers also got an opportunity to practice the Japanese language and enrich their vocabulary.

The lecturer shared about Japanese chopsticks etiquette and let students apply their knowledge through a mini-game

Students received rewards for the mini-game at the workshop

At the event, Ms. Miyazaki Kyoko also introduced the ingredients and the process of making Somen noodles, a delicacy of Japanese cuisine.

 Through valuable insights into Japanese chopstick culture and savoring Somen noodles shared at this event, Japanese Language students in particular, and UEFers in general, gained captivating and rewarding experiences.

Students enjoyed Japanese Somen Noodles

Pursuing linguistic majors at UEF, students are not only equipped with professional knowledge but also get exposed to and engaged with local cultures, which greatly enhances their learning process. 
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